
What is your about India?

by Guest33050  |  earlier

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What is your about India?




  1. I think your question is,'What is your opinion about India?'

    India is the world's twelfth largest economy at market exchange rates and the fourth largest in purchasing power. Economic reforms have transformed it into the second fastest growing large economy; however, it still suffers from high levels of poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition. A pluralistic, multilingual, and multiethnic society, India is also home to a diversity of wildlife in a variety of protected habitats.

    Traditional Indian family values are highly respected, although urban families now prefer the nuclear family structure due to the socio-economic constraints imposed by traditional joint family system.

  2. what is your what about india??? please post info by editing you posting

  3. SORRY? ***** GET YOU !!!

  4. sare jahaan se achcha hindustan hamara............

  5. Your question is not clear.  Please explain what you want to know.

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