
What is your age, and the age of your children?

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i am 28, and my children are 8 and 4.




  1. me- 21

    daughter- 4

    son- 6 mo

    yep, i started young ;)

  2. 13, 0 kids lol

  3. 18 no children 2 dogs 1.5 years old =].

  4. im 15 and child is 1. just kiddingg i don't have a child don't worry.

  5. 33 - no children, 3 year old cat

  6. I am 13 and my kids are 1 month and 6 weeks!!! Just kidding LOL I HAVE NO KIDS ( IT WAS A JOKE )!!

  7. 19 and 16 weeks pregnant x

  8. 30 - dd 3 in sept, ds 6 mths

  9. I'm 21 and my baby is due in February :) (So I will be 22).

  10. Just turned 28 two days ago! =(

    My children are 10, almost 9 and almost 7!

    Good Luck and God Bless you and your little ones!

  11. 27-4-3

  12. 17 in 10 years the first one will be 1 :)

  13. Im 24 and my children are 4 and 6 months. Both girls.

  14. 49,17 6/12, 15 11/12, 15 2/12, 13 2/12

  15. I am 27, and my children are 7 years old and 4 months old. Boy & Girl so we are done.   :)

  16. I'm 27 and my son is 10 months.

    Also, thanks for sharing.  I hate it when someone will ask a question like this and not share about themselves!

  17. I'm 24 and my daughter will be 1 in the beginning of September.

  18. I'm 32 and my daughter is 9 months old.  I am in awe of women who can raise a family in their twenties.  I wasn't grown up enough until I hit 30, lol!

  19. Hello im 29 my son 6,daughter4,son10 months,step children but class them as my own daughter14,son17,and baby in my belly 13weeks.

  20. 35-

    twins:  9

    daughter: 6


  21. My son Liam is 2 and a half. And I happen to be 7 weeks pregnant with my third child. Back in February my husband and I lost our little girl at just over 2 and a half months. And I know what you are thinking (a girl????) you can't tell at that time but we just knew. So here we are again and we are very hopeful! Children are a blessing at any and every age.

  22. I'm 42. I have all girls, ages 15, 10, 6 and 6 mo. Having a baby at this age is amazing!

  23. I am 25 and have a 5 year old Daughter, 3 year old son, 1 year old sone and am 13 weeks pregnant.

  24. I'm 20 and my daughter is 5 months and I have the second on the way, i am 3 months.

  25. I am 20, my baby is due in October and I will be 21 in December.

    My sister is 32, her kids are 15,13,7,5,3,1.

    My other sister is 25, her kids are 9,2,14 weeks.

    My other sister is 20, her boy is 3.

    My brother is 23, his girl is 4.

    My Mum is 48, her kids are 32, 25, 20,23.

    My Stepdad is 47, his kids are 20,19.

    I could go on forever, my family is huge!!!!!!!!!

  26. I'm 24 and my children are 3 years, almost 9 months and the other is almost 9 months. (Their birthdays are 3 days apart!)

  27. I'm 28, my son is almost 5, , and my step son is 4.5 and I have a baby on the way.

  28. I will be 30 in november and my children are 9 and 5

    exactly 4 years between them as their birthdays are 1 day apart

  29. 27...1 month and 4days

  30. 24


    11 weeks

    Married to my childrens father for 8 months. We didnt feel the need to get married just because we were pregnant, either time. We did when I was pregnant the second time because we planned it before we got pregnant. Both kids were the best surprises birth control can offer! We love them both so much!

  31. I am 24 and my daughter will be 2yrs old  in a few weeks.

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