
What is your ambition in life?

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Have you made any sacrifice?




  1. i want to become a lecturer in biology

  2. Fun question....I like answering questions like this one.

    My ambition in life is to live/work/own a permaculture farm.  I want to raise 95% of the food my family consumes.

    I want to live in one large house, multi-generationally, with myself, hubby, my mother, and children we hope to adopt.

    We hope to adopt children (not babies), and not produce our own babies and add to the worlds overcrowding problems.

    Our farm will provide habitat for wildlife, as well, such as Bald Eagles, blue herons, deer, raccoons, wood ducks, salmon spawning streams, ect.

    We desire to once again raise all the fuel our trucks and tractors use, via oil from rapeseed.

    The major import to our farm, should be salt and minerals for the livestock.  Seeds will be saved from one generation to the next for the garden.  Hay will be grown for the animals.  Manure from the livestock will fertilize the crops and fields.  There will be NO chemicals used on our farm.

    Another ambition is to have my husband self employed, and that the mortgage is paid fully off, and we derive all of our income from our own hard work.

    Our farm should also generate all of it's own heat, and power, so we are completely independant of the grid.

    Does it all sound like a pie in the sky dream?  Well, the farm is real.  It's in Washington state.  Two years ago we had 9 thousand native trees (about 20 different types) planted along the streams and by the pond.  Provides more habitat for the wildlife, and eventually firewood for us.

    When we purchased the farm, from a drunk, we had about 8 tons of trash hauled out from the barn, and house (did that ourselves).  I believe 20 cars were hauled away.  

    The person who was taking advantage of the drunk, and grazing too many cattle there, so the soil was compacted, the the grass wasn't even a 1/2 inch tall was evicted.  The grass now rubs the bellies of my horses.  By the end of summer it will rub their shoulders.  The sheep and goats disapear entirely into the grass.  We support more animals on less ground now (those 9 thousand trees take up a lot of space) than ever before.  That's because we manage the land properly, and keep the livestock moving to smaller pastures all the time, so the grass has time to rest, and regrow.

    With three working adults on the farm, we expect the mortgage to be paid off 20 years early.  

    We still have to build the large comfortable home.  We are all in the original home the drunk lived it....too small for all of us, and our personal libraries.    The new home is a high priority, as we want to adopt children (no bedrooms for them currently).

    Hubby should be self employed probably by the end of the year, but it might take as long as two years.

    Other than that, my strongest ambitions are to read a book every day (or every other day), spend quality time with my family, and develop a sound, and repeating customer base, for people who want to purchase food we produce (that has no chemicals, or hormones....cann't use the word "organic" since I will not pay the Government to use a word in the dictionary).  I want to be able to help people who are in my neighborhood, or whom I've gotten to know as customers if they run into a rough stretch in their lives (by being able to give them good quality food).

    Of course my final ambition in "life" is to be burried on our farm....because for me, our farm is Heaven on Earth.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    P.S. As for sacrifices, we have no health care, and you NEVER get a day off when you live/work/own a farm.  I use to work in the medical field (for 15+ years).  I had great medical ins....and I used it too, as I was frequently quiet ill.  I virtually never see a doctor anymore, my health is completely different, and GREATLY improved.  We work outside if the weather is a howling blizzard with temperatures dropping to negative 68 (F), or it's 110 (F) outside.  During kidding season, I'm outside every two hours for about a month (talk about sleep deprived!).  I've been up at 3AM, leaping about in the dark, banging on pots, to drive skunks out of our yard.  I've cried over dead kids (goats) and shot adult goats I've raised and loved after dog attacks.  I've bruised and damaged my hands so badly, after cutting my mare free from fencing wire she tangled in, with cheap wirecutters, I could hardly feed, or dress myself for a week afterwards (the good wirecutters now hang on a peg by the door).  I wouldn't trade this life for anything.  Every sacrifice, and every heartbreak is worth it.

  3. My ambition in life, is to get kids off the streets and teach them that there is more to life then crime that we can acheive much more then we can imagine, My ambition in life, is to be more then just a councelor who sits and reads kids, I want to be able to reach teens and teenagers who live on the streets, who are scared, and do not have familys and to get into their brains and squeeze them, lol, but did i acheive, no not yet, But i made some sacrifices though

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