
What is your analysis of the genders?

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I'm not looking for Man Vs. Woman here, just an elaborate analysis on both sexes. Such as one's own observations, or two lists of what men are better at than women(in general) and what women are better at than men(in general).

As for me, I think that both genders even out in their own ways. Such as men are better at sports(IN GENERAL) and women are more emotionally in touch(You get it by now, right? I'm done saying it). One observation I've made is that the bars for nearly everything are set by men, such as athletics, philosophy, writing, science, math, etc. While it seems to be indicating male superiority, it is simply unique individuals doing such. If the superiority thing stuck(I suppose it does for sports, but women make up for that with other things), averages in those skills would be much much higher with men, but this is not at all the case, and the average IQ for both sexes is about the same.

In my theory, it is because while most of the best-evers are male, it is the same for the worst-evers. Whether in their brilliance or ignorance, men seem to take it as far as they can. So, while males have a greater chance of being a super-genius, they have just as good a chance of being a super-morons. While women definitely have idiots, and definitely have geniuses, they are not as dumb/smart as their male counterparts. It seems like men were designed to keep society moving forward quickly, while women were designed to make sure it doesn't fall apart on top of our heads.

I don't know how others may interpret what I wrote, but from what I've observed it seems like total equality, each s*x playing a necessary part. Some may think what I wrote may have favored men slightly, and I didn't try to make it sound that way, so I will end with this: With the ending of that previous paragraph, it means that while men need women to stay out of chaos, women--assuming they found a way to reproduce without men--could maintain society by themselves.

I hope I did not offend anyone, please discuss your own observations or comment on mine, and do not make sexist comments.




  1. I agree.  Men do have a clear physical advantage, whereas women hold the advantage in social and emotional arenas.  Your analysis concerning intelligence seems quite accurate, although I do find it interesting that you've avoided the issue of aggression.  While a large part of that particular can of worms is cultural, men to tend to be much more aggressive than women when it comes to getting what they want and having their way, and I think this tendency is what leads to the genius/idiot gap.

    I think your idea of a women only society is interesting, and certainly one which has cropped up in popular culture many times.  However, could women really maintain a society without men, even if the reproductive issue were addressed?  While the typical argument would be made that, left to themselves, men would likely start wars and kill each other, most people tend to think that the opposite would happen if women were left to themselves.  The idea is that (and again, I'm just going off stereotypes, no offense is meant here, or anywhere else)  women are all touchie feelie and there'd be a quasi utopian result.  However, what people tend to forget is that women fight dirty, hold grudges, and can get really nasty when push comes to shove.  The battleground is rarely physical when women fight--rather, it's psychological.  I think the overall damage would be much greater in such a situation.  So really, what I'm getting at here is that women need men to keep them from damaging themselves, just as much as men need women to keep them from doing the same.

    Thought provoking post--hope my response isn't too long winded.

  2. You seem to be right on target.

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