
What is your aquarium cleaning/maintaintance routine?

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I know everyone has their own way of doing things. I wondered how you all vary.

How often do you part change the water, clean algae etc...

How long do you you spend on maintainance, and how much do you think it costs you?




  1. Originally setting up the aquariums was EXPENSIVE, but mostly because I tend to over spend and I buy the most expensive equipment hoping for less maintenance, which has worked positively for the most part. I won't say how much exactly, but well over a thousand dollars in only a month...

    On maintenance, I just use my python to remove 10 to 20% of the water of each tank weekly, put prime before adding the water, and then use the python to re-fill it with water. The algae is taken care of by my lovely Plecos, and I really don't mess with the filters unless there's something going wrong, because I want to leave the filter intact.

    In my planted tank I will spend extra time to pick up dead leaves and sometimes I see empty spots which inspire me to get yet another plant, and I have my fun aquascaping but that's totally voluntary. ;3

    If you only count the routine water changes, I really don't spend much time or money -- perhaps half an hour to an hour weekly, tops? Haven't seen extreme changes on the water bill, so I really don't count that 8). Buying the Prime water conditioner is the most expensive one I suppose.  

  2.   Many many variables in my setup.  Fry tanks will get anywhere from 50% to 80% every night the first couple of weeks, this gets backed down to every other day or twice weekly as they grow.  Juvie, growout, & breeder tanks get that amount changed weekly.  Algae gets scraped as needed, as does filter maintenance, much of this depends on stocking.

      I'll spend anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours every evening, and 4 to 8 hours on the weekend, depending on stocking.  Stocking depends on sales, which depends on the local market, usually slower in the summer, quite busy during the winter.

      I'm putting out anywhere from $75 to $150 monthly on utilities & supplies, around $500 yearly on upgrades.  Fish sales pay for this.

  3. I clean my tank when my filter and water are really dirty or when my tank is needing a good clean out it only takes me an hour too clean my fish tank out

  4. i have two turtles now in seperat cages (cause they fight) and i change the water 1/2 way thru the week, then clean the cage real good once every like 8 days or so.. i also have 3 tree frogs in the same cage, and i change there water every 2 or 3 days and there ground in there cage every 3 weeks or so, then wash the whole cage out and rebuild it..Its alot of work, but i think its worth it!

    i would say my turtles all in all have cost me well over $300 bucks (and i got the actual turtles for free) (cause someone else didnt ahve funds to care for them) and the frogs around $25 a month (beding, decor, crickets, and calium

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