
What is your ascendant and your mercury and do you believe.....?

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That i have psychic ability.This should be very interesting.Just to let you all know,I'm not a fake or a fraud.I do have a life and i have a full time job and I'm a student in college.My main concern is helping others.It does not happen often,but i usually get two or three skeptics that question my ability.So from what you have observed in my answers,what do you think? All are welcome to answer,trolls,skeptics and all.

My asc is sagittarius,my mercury is sagittarius.I believe people have god given gifts and should use them. God Bless




  1. Yeah, I believe you. I saw you answering psychic stuff since I first got here on YA! and was just reading answers. I don't think there's anything for you to lie. Besides, you're not the only psychic I know of so I know you guys exist. h**l, I even know of another psychic here on YA! Horoscopes.

    Please take the time to look into me but umm... please keep it to yourself. I want you to know that I know more about Higher Learning than average. ;)

    Sorry, contacts. I'm not psychic. Intuitive, maybe because of Pisces Sun and Virgo Moon but nah.

    Taurus Rising. Pisces Mercury.

  2. Yes, I believe you. I do not know you personally, and have not talked to you, so I have no reason to doubt your ability. I have seen psychics at work that have given very accurate and amazing information. I am not skeptical of their existence, and while there are many people out there that are frauds, there are plenty that aren't.

    Libra Sun and Mercury

  3. I haven't seen much of your psychic posts, but I have seen your astrology posts and you seem to be a very educated woman. ^.^

    I do honestly believe in psychic powers, but I believe in ways they can be very inaccurate due to the fact that the future IS changeable. I don't know if that makes much sense, but that is truly what I believe.

    Cancer Rising

    Cancer Mercury

  4. hmm...well i did read the answer u left on one of my Q's, and u seem to have a creative mind.

    but honestly, i do not believe in psychics. i deeply believe in the science of astrology, but not psychics.

    but hey, i could be wrong. what do i know? hhehe. i hope you learn to explore your mind and prove me wrong about the existance of psychics.

    best of luck for you.

    cancer sun

    aries rising

    cancer mercury

    gemini mars

  5. From the answers that i've read from you, you're really annoying. But i can say i am a skeptic. You should do a reading or whatever u call it on me and prove me wrong.

  6. I have a lot of respect for your answers on here. I think that there are people with strong talents, many of them that we do not understand yet. I've only seen you helping people on here, and you seem to be a lovely person. So I do believe you when you say that you are the real thing.

  7. yes i believe in you and in the concept of psychic abilities....a long time ago i asked for a psychic reading not really expecting anything and i got an answer from you that was chillingly accurate, everything you said was so true and you're a really nice person so i totally believe in you and thank you for always being willing to help people out!

  8. do u work out ur mecury and ascendant??


    yeah i do believe that u have psychic ability because i have had u email me on a question and u were spot on....

    u know...i was watching sylvie brown on utube and omg she is a huge fraud! she 's so unbelieveably dumb and her predictions are ridiculus!

  9. What is my future career? I believe you and want some questions answered.

    Leo ascendant/Aries mercury

  10. My ascendant is Capricorn and my mercury is Sagittarius. I do believe that people have God given gifts like psychic abilities. There are so many unique gifts that people have and I don't think people should be looked down on because of them. I think a lot of people look down or laugh at psychics because a lot of them out there are just fakes and frauds that pretend. But, there really are some honest people that have psychic abilities but the fakes make it so hard for them. As long as a person is using their gift for the good and want to help someone and not try to make a ton of money off of it then that great. But, people abuse their gift and do things for the wrong reason. If you know you have a gift forget what other people think and just do good by the gift God has given you.

    My sun sign is also Sagittarius!

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