
What is your attitude towards human rights?

by Guest57611  |  earlier

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What is your attitude towards human rights?




  1. "Human Rights" are an artificial construct.


    There is no law in nature that we as human beings have the right to anything. As such we designed some basic rules "human rights" that we should all live by and have. Alas because we made them up they are open to interpretation and abuse.

    The idea that every human has the right to live a happy existence with enough food and fresh water is for me GREAT. I also howver believe we have the right to abuse ourselves and live our lives in whatever way we see fit. Modern society, especially western society, seems to think that we dont have this right and creates extra rules "anti drug policy" is one of my least favourite. I dont do too much in the way of drugs but i believe we have a right to if we chose. Nanny state governence is a BS idea and should be disposed of post haste.

  2. The world has improved over the centuries since we have had human rights. I think they are very important for major issues like equal rights, fighting against slavory, poverty etc.....

  3. We deserve it

  4. I think we should all be granted them if we pay a fee.  Maybe like a Citizenship Plus membership.

  5. Everyone deserves them.

  6. They are an ideology that exist in a perfect world when it suits those in power .

    The UN preaches human rights yet will usually allow huge abuses to occur before they even think about stepping in.

    Human rights exist most for the nations that can afford them.

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