
What is your babies favorite game?

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My daughter is 13 months old and loves to play peek a boo :)

Ahh.. I am just trying to think happy things after a certain question that I won't mention.




  1. My daughter is 7 months and just started clapping so she LOVES patty-cake. Clapping is the most exciting thing to her right now! She loves Peek-a-boo too!

    Fun question, some games I forgot about like "the itsy bitsy spider" etc as others have mentioned!

  2. My 7 month old loves to play monsters and boxing. We run up and "attack" him, gobble on him, tickle him, he just laughs and laughs. He also likes to be "punched" and he likes it best with giant hulk gloves and sound effects. He also loves to play puppets and he likes to wrestle and play peek a boo with the puppets. He likes to play spider. The spider is a hand coming to tickle him. I just love to get him laughing.

  3. My son loves peek a boo too, and he loves to wave. He's 12.5 months and is getting close to walking, and he'll walk from the couch to my arms (only about 5 steps) but he'll do that over and over. Babies are too much fun.

  4. My 20 month old loves to play "race." We both get into position, and she yells " 2....3...GO!" and starts running. Of course, half the time she starts running at 3, so she's a little cheater.....LOL. And I can never understand why she skips 1.. :)

  5. My 5 month old brother loves peek a boo too!He laughs and smiles!!!He also likes to look at himself in the mirror!

  6. My girl is 11 months old and loves when I sing itsy bitsy spider.  She'll do the hand gestures with her little chubby fingers and she also loves when we play pat-a-cake or "pattycake" as I call it.  

  7. oh yeah peek a boo. we hide behind a pillow. when he was young he was just like "where did you go? oh there you are!" now that hes 8 months old, he will take out the pillow in an all out battle to find us. and he love to be tickled.  

  8. Chase, peekaboo, stack & spill blocks, catching bubbles, I love this age!

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