
What is your bedtime during school days?(M,T,W,T) And the weekend? (F,S,S)?

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What is your bedtime during school days?(M,T,W,T) And the weekend? (F,S,S)?




  1. my bed time is between 9:30 and 10:30 cuz my parents set this time cuz i have to be @ skool @ 7:30 so i think its resonable. on weekends its usually like 1 in the morning which is also good cuz half the time i'm sleep a lil bit b4 that anyway. lol

  2. 9 an weed days and 10:30 dearring the weekends

  3. I choose to go to bed between 9:30-10:30 during the week because I get tired easily. Plus tired kid and school don't go well together.

    On Fridays & Saturdays I stay up until whatever time I feel like staying up.

    Sundays are the same as the rest of the week cause there's school the next day.

    I'm going into Gr. 10 btw.

  4. my bedtime is like 9-10p.m, which was set by me. Because I get tired, and sleep is awesome.

  5. around 9:30/10:00 because i leave at 7:00 but it depends on what time school begins...

  6. I don't have a bedtime. I just go to sleep whenever i get tired. Usually through the week i go to sleep by 12, cause i have school the next day. And on weekends, I'm usually out till about 2, so I'm in bed by 3 or 4.

  7. My kids bedtimes are 8pm everyday of the week, but they are 4 and 2. When I was a kid, my bedtime was 8pm every day except holidays until I was in 7th grade. My kids will have a similar structure with a bit more freedom depending on their maturity level and their ability to get up in the morning.  

  8. i'm not given a bedtime

    but i choose to go to sleep around 9-10:30

    depending on the amount of hmwk

    and on the weekends i go to sleep around 12

    most of the time

  9. Since this is a parenting question, it should depend on the grade, and the age of the child. Mine used to be 8:30 on the weekdays and 9 on the weekends when I was 6-8. In third and fourth grade it was 9:30, 10 on the weekends. When I hit 5th grade, I started to set my own times, as my homework was increasing.

    Now, as a Junior in High School, it's anywhere between 11:30pm and 2am, or whenever my eyes give up on me.

  10. 10 p.m. on the weekdays and 11 on the weekends. But it depends how old your child is. Sometimes kids don't fall asleep even if they have a bed time. So make them go to be earlier that way they might fall asleep at their actual bedtime.

  11. Well I don't have a bedtime, I'm 32, but I usually go to sleep around 2 am. These are my kid's bedtimes:

    Claire (6)~ 8 pm all through the week

    Jack (3)~ 8 pm all through the week

    Owen and Oliver (twins, 1 1/2 months)~ 7 pm all through the week



  12. It really depends on how much work I have to do during the week.  I try to get to bed no later than midnight usually (I have to get up at 6:30 am for work).  But sometimes I am up until the wee hours of the morning.

    On weekends, it's a bit more normal.  My husband and I try to take one night a weekend for "us" - go to dinner, go out with friends, etc.  Generall go to bed by 1am or 2am on the weekends.

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