
What is your best dish? And, do you get high requests for your dish?

by Guest33380  |  earlier

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Mine would have to be my chicken pot pie. My family LOVES the way I make them and if it were up to them, they would have me make it every night of the week lol

What's yours?




  1. fried eggplant-i know the secret to making it crunchy not mushy

    yes i do get requests from my bf.

  2. Lasagna

    I have some secret

    ingredients, passed

    down to me, which

    make it a frequent

    request of friends,

    family and others.

  3. I do a pretty mean Curry Chicken Pie, but a fully enclosed one, made as individual pies. Ideal for stand around gatherings where you can hold the pie in one hand, and your glass in the other.

    You need to be-careful as you nibble around the outside edge otherwise you will get hot chicken and curry all down the sides of your mouth.

  4. It is a toss up between my coq a vin and my rouladen.  Whenever I have dinner parties or a neighbor is ill or hospitalized and I bring over meals, everyone asks for one or the other.  I'm glad autumn is on its way along with the comfort foods of the season!  (I'd love that pot pie recipe, mine doesn't turn out well enough to be memorable.)

  5. I do a kick-*ss from-scratch biscuits & gravy.    I sometimes feel it is Breakfast around the clock at my house!  :)

  6. Boursin Potatoes.  It is a "scalloped" potato dish that uses boursin cheese, cream, and shallots.  It is very rich and I save it for special occasions.

    Everyone who has ever eaten it asks for the recipe.  But I don't give it to them because if they knew how much cream was in it they would faint!

  7. I am not a good cook but I have been told that my "devilled chicken" is really tasty. ' its easy to prepare and if you already have some cooked chicken only takes about 10 minutes to make

  8. My most popular dish would be my whole baked Flounder or Sole.

  9. My best dish would have to be my meatloaf.  My family gives me two

    thumbs up whenever I make it.

  10. my most requested dish is my Chicken Tortilla Soup.

    My son requests this each year for his birthday.  I am requested to bring this dish to pot lucks at work, family gatherings, you name it.

    Just last night an old friend dropped by and the first thing he asked was "when you making your chicken tortilla soup again?"

    I would provide the recipe, however, I cook by taste and cannot really tell you how much of everything.....both my mom's (in law is mom too) have watched me make it numerous times and still cannot duplicate it.

  11. i have a few dishes that are often requested. i would have to say my lasagna (made from spaghetti  sauce in mine!) is the most requested followed by dirt cake.    

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