
What is your best drinking story?

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What is your best drinking story?




  1. im only 11 lolz XD

  2. 1. wife came home, i was intoxicated, prostitute was in bedroom, radio was on, hairy feet lying in my face.

    2. so drunk, i was yelling out random comments to random strangers over the phone... "Get down from there, you...mongrel!"

    3. I told my ex-wife "Oh, yes... I had a wet dream about you once."

  3. breaking my toenail, and not remembering how

  4. 1. last saturday, just was awesome fun everyone dancing and passing around a wierd wizard hat sitting on a couch next to a bonfire making fun of s***s and a guy that looked and dressed like the fonz

    2. when i was 14 we stole my dads cask of wine got drunk in my room and decided to go ring the church bell at the local catholic school we did but after we jumped down from ringing the chain we crashed into each other and knocked out when we woke up a very angry woken nun was yelling at us

    3. my friends house has big stairs everyone riding chairs matresses bikes skateboards stomachs anything down it

    4. trying to break into a football match cause we had no money and ending up in the middle of the field mid-game

    AND many many more

    aaaah good times

  5. "The Infamous EastClliff Party"

    I'll tell you what I've pieced together from memory and from what people told me the next day.  This was the wildest fight I've ever been in.

    So me and three friends: Oso, Ransom, and Otacon.  (Nicknames of course)

    We were at a big party at this girls house, and I was upstairs about to hook up with a girl I had been dating lately, when Oso kicks the door open, and I mean KICKS that door d**n near off the hinges, and that's when it began.


    I remember debating whether or not to finish putting my condom on and f*cking this girl, or running downstairs and helping Otacon.  i also find it strange I had no problem being near naked with a condom half way on, and having the door kicked open.

    So I zip up, ignore whatever whining the chick was telling me and running headfirst into a mob at the foot of the stairs.  I saw Otacon, he yelled something through a cut lip, and I just started swingin' wild.  I think I actually dropped someone cold, and then got smashed into the banister at the foot of the stairs.  someone had their head in my chest and was wailing on my ribs, so I grabbed his head and kneed him in the face a few times.  

    then I got hit really hard from the back, blacked out, and when I came to I was being dragged by Ransom and some random Mexican kid into the kitchen.

    I got up and everyone in the whole house seemed to be fighting.  i grabbed a potted plant and threw it high above the crowd, because it seemed like a good thing to do.  It crashed and I heard someone yell and I started cracking up.  I threw another one, this amused me greatly.

    Someone came charging out of the crowd, and was about to bulldoze me when Ransom kicked him right in the FACE.  The guy dropped and didnt move except for rolling side to side.

    I decided to get out of there, and headed for the garage door.  

    On last guy grabbed me, and I remember yelling at him a garbled stream of swear words, and shoving my thumb in his eye, and kicked him on his way down.  

    Once I was outside, Oso was already out with a seriously F*cked up Otacon.  I yelled "forget ransom"  and started cracking up.

    Then I stumbled side to side, and hit the grass pretty hard.   I woke up in Oso's car at about 6 am the next day.  


  6. Pavement, ems, vomit, and turning 21....... I think.  It's still a blurr.

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