
What is your best memory of the good old days?

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mine are that life was simpler without all the artificial distractions we have now, and that people were a lot more friendlier than now




  1. Leaving my back door open at night and having kids playing on the street and rationing and the war, before that I fondly recall the lack of welfare system and some more wars. Happy Days.

  2. when I went to a park and had no I have to worry about who is at the park while I watch my children play

  3. Better movies and better T.V shows. T.V is c**p now.

  4. People actually got married BEFORE they had kids. Gas was  $.18 a gallon.  Movies were a quarter.

    In the 1960's McDonald's were hamburgers $ .10, Cheeseburgers were $ .12.

  5. Good red bud colombian 30 bucks an ounce, a quart of budwieser 62 cents, gas 55 cents a gallon, no responsibilities and no urine test........ ah the good old days!!

  6. gas was $1.50 a gallon

  7. hang out with my 2 favorite overweight obese uncle's victor bodi and jim bodi

  8. For me, it was a slower pace of life. There was more family time. People had Sunday dinners together and weren't sat in front of computers till all hours. I used to play outside until it got dark. 50p was a fortune in the local sweet shop. I used to go to the Grocers, to the butchers and the newsagents with mum instead of a 24 hour supermarket. Dad was always home at the same time every evening. Thanks for the question, I loved re-living my childhood for a bit!!

  9. Does any one remember the TV game PONG? My brother and I had that game and we were soooo HITECH! rotary phones? B&W TV? Lavernne & Shirley And o my god-- Smiles everyone- smiles- Welcome to fantasy island! Remember manually winding your windows up & down? Earth shoes and TUBE TOPS!!!!!! God we were so cool back then!

  10. Mine was 33 cents for  a gallon gas. 6 cents for popcycles and 10 cent cokes.I used to buy a hamburger,fries and a coke for fifty cents back in 72.

  11. I grew up in a street with 42 memories are of sports and childhood fun with all the neighbours.

  12. Back in the ol'days we had like these things where you like tie them up together like that movie about that guy who swam across the ocean and got like a meter behind his fellas or something and he like had to this something so could get up and not drown so he lifted that thing that i saw once in this commercial i guess it was about food or something burgers in kansas city or like pennsylvania or somewhere around the block, also in the ol' days we used to have more options on what to eat unlike today where u have like these things like those u see sometimes in the tv with the like sign that says no smoking here or something which is totally uncool because people shoul d do what they want without law and stuff also in the old days we had more women who are like from movie figure with black hair and big b***s unlike british manicas like that movie snatch which sucked by the way but who cares it's kinda funny so yea wateva.

    Those were the old days.

  13. I think there was more natural beauty. More open space, less noise and people.

  14. Oh, the Music, the TV Shows, the simplicity. The lack of cell phones, the internet, the hd, mp3, feeling safe going to school.....8 tracks! :)

  15. A real american hero, G.I. Joe:

    YO JOE!

  16. not so much rose tinted spectacles the air of possibility, the pride in being human, and the utter certainty of being one of gods greatest creatures...

    it's not so much the artificial distractions its that there is nothing valid with which to aspire...

    i see no meaning under the microscope.

  17. good old days?

    back in the days of adam & eve?

    Yea, i loved being naked =)

  18. Only the ones involving my wife and children. when we first me and when our boys were very small. I am still married and our boys are teenagers now.

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