
What is your best new or old joke?

by  |  earlier

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I want to see some good ones that are popular now and ones that were popular a long time ago,the older, the better here. Any good ones that were popular in the 1950's and '60's or better yet do you know a good joke that was popular in the 17 or 18 hundreds? Those would be great!

Where can I find a lot of really old jokes from 50 to 100 years old or even 200- 300 years old or older?

I love jokes, but I already know most of the popular ones from the 80's- 90's and today, I have even made up some of my own. But now I want some older ones. Even if it is one that most people won't understand.




  1. my answer is try to go at this site

  2. my grandad told me this one (born 1912 )

    a man goes in to the tailors for a new suit. the tailor  says

    " which side do you dress ,sir ? "


    he man replies  " just leave them baggy at the knees "

    the explanation of this is  bit rude , even by todays standards,,it`s to do with ,shall we say ,which side dangles most .

    tony.( trine tu keepitclean ).d

    ps ; i know some older  and ruder ones , but don`t want to offend younger readers.

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