
What is your best personal quote that you can take credit for?

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Mine is, "the sky is an ocean with too much air"




  1. "love me little but love me for long"


    "Night is always followed by Day"

  2. Catch your thoughts, the stick is the pen, the net is the paper.

  3. "We're measuring the optical properties to determine the physical properties of the material.  It's similar to what we did at UCLA, except we're using fluorescence lifetime instead of Stoke's shift."

  4. I invented a phrase for male masturbation.  I call it "burping the baby monster".

  5. To a very good female friend...

    "My mind is not in the gutter, it is right where it belongs, 15 to 18 inches above your knees"

    At least she had a sense of humor about it...

  6. "There is nothing more pompous than quoting thyself."

  7. Here's my top 8. Why 8? Read the last one.


    He who writes has time to think.

    He who makes mistakes learns for himself.

    He who listens hears all manner of things.

    He who speaks has time for little else.


    Why kick a man when he's down when you have

    the option to stomp on his chest with both feet.


    Real beauty is not a vision, it's an act of kindness.


    Without common sense even the most educated

    will be doomed by their own stupidity.


    If something is too good to be true it's a con.

    Lawyers, salesmen, and advertising executives excel in this skill.


    There is always someone in the chain of things whose

    sole purpose is to make your life miserable.


    Just because you reset the clock when it's daylight savings

    time doesn't mean you have turned back the hands of time.


    When asked a simple question

    always give a complex, sometimes unrelated, answer

    that either makes one think or makes one laugh.

  8. There are two types of people on this Earth. the villain and the menace.

    The menace manifests his execrations with action while the villain calculates his malice.

    You are never set with one title for long, they are transposable.  

  9. It is the people with family obligations to prisoners who bear one of  greatest burdens of the contradictions of our society.

  10. "This is the Earth scratching her eye. Wait until she sneezes." I said it at a Greenpeace event in 1984.

  11. God would remain no God if He went round distributing miraculous goodies to His Believers/Devotees.

    Timing often proves to be the shortest distance between grand success and utter failure.

  12. "how sad to believe a caged field is freedom."

  13. "The shortest pencil is better than the longest memory."

  14. We're all alike in different ways.

    -Me 1975

  15. I think this is original.

    Everything that goes through my brain doesn't have to come out of my mouth.

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