
What is your best self defence product.?

by  |  earlier

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Do you have a self defense product you feel safe with. let me know.




  1. OK I've taken classes in what's been termed "Therapeutic Intervention"(safe ways 2 get out of a difficult situation-by law- of that facility)! When it gets down to the "nitty-gritty"- I'm gonna get DIRTY- too stay alive!!!If I loose my job-NO BIG DEAL- I'm ALIVE!! That to me is the best "Self Defense" U have!!F**k That Job Man I'm alive to find another!! If you don't agree- U end up DEAD!!

  2. yourself if you're trained in any kind of martial art

  3. Whenever I wandered alone in China at night, I've come to conclude that pepper spray makes me feel protected.


  4. Pepper Spray

  5. I took self defense class so my best defense is myself.

  6. I took a class, I like my keys. They're always accessible.

  7. your fists are the deadliest... weapons dont kill ppl.. ppl with weapons kill ppl.. I suggest you learn some simple martial arts moves!

  8. s

  9. I personally think it is my attitude - the look like I am not worth messing with.  Plus I can sound like a drill Sargent.  Other than that - I don't have a defense weapon.  But I have been lucky and no one has bothered me to this point in my life.

  10. Get a gun and a liscence to carry a concealed weapon.  Its like having a second coc.k.

  11. taser

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