
What is your best trick in snowboarding !!???

by  |  earlier

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hi my best trick is a 540 indy and 360 method >>>> what is yours ????




  1. a Joe Predmore switch double cork 1440

  2. Not breaking any bones.

  3. i did a spiral fracture of my lower tibia and tore an anterior criciate ligament once. it was sick

  4. Staying upright !

  5. 720 indy over 45 foot gap....just kidding thats my friend, for me a 540

  6. i can straight air just about ANY jump.

    but for spins i only got 360's.

    i'm much more comfortable with jibbing(i skateboard too)

    umm nose pressing boxes.

    frontside and backside on long kinked rails.

    but a fun safe day of riding is the best.

  7. 540 whirlybird. very painful in most cases though haha!

  8. staying off it!

  9. not dying.

  10. Frontside 180  to b/s nosepress, to backside 180 on the little hoop skooter box in my backyard.

    And big floaty switch b/s 180s over bigger booterz,

  11. A 180 reverse cowgirl!

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