
What is your biggest character flaw?

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please, no fluff answers like "I'm too nice"... true down and dirty character flaws.

Do you continuously work on changing these flaws? Can one change a flaw... or do you find a way to mold it into something positive?

Also, do you believe there to always be a flip side to a character flaw? For example; if you are bossy you in turn tend to be a good leader…

thoughts, rants, confessions... please and thx!




  1. arrogant

  2. I'm extremely disorganised.  I'm also hypersensitive.

  3. I am quick tempered. I can get really aggressive if I get pushed and I've acted like a total buffoon on a few occasions when I've had too much to drink.  I never pick fights but if I drink while I'm in a bad mood, I don't shy away from them either. A recent event made me realize I've got to grow up and never drink while I'm upset.

  4. i am too sensitive. its really hard for me to hold in my emotions and if someone pisses me off, i tell them. i can't help it. although i think that airing out a problem with someone can be a good thing...sometimes.

    also, after working in F&B for years, i have less patience for people in general. if you're rude, you don't really get a second chance.

  5. What are your's?

    My biggest one is probably not asking for what I really want and just "sucking it up" too much.

    Edit- "think highly of myself"....I can see that.

  6. I try to live in the moment, but often linger too long in daydreams about sweet moments in the past....some that "took by breath away."

  7. Answer:  I don't understand 'feminism' ~ or, I don't understand the contradictions in the strands in 'feminism' ~ nor the various conflicting arguments of any attempts at a definition of feminism.

    I agree wholeheartedly with 'equality', but the ongoing debate and somewhat 'ruthlessness' of arguments seems to 'move people apart' instead of drawing them together and welding it tight.

    Then again, maybe it's me and my not understanding 'feminism' ....or maybe I simply missed the plot!


  8. I am rarely serious and have a deep love for Mike T....though he only wants s*x from me.



    I'll finish later

    Lol Gone Away...I wanted Mike T! :P

  10. I overanalyze my conversations with other people way too much. I think this stems from being a poor conversationalist when I was younger.

  11. Laziness. And I like men too much!

  12. I can never say no to anyone. Even when I really don't want to do it.

  13. My problem is that my lips and fingers tend to move when I think, it gets me into trouble all the time.

    Like when I think my supervisor's new hairdo looks like my cat after a bath, and smells like it also.

  14. Well, basically, I am lazy, I procrastinate and I'm a "clutterbug".

    If there's a positive side to any of that, I suppose it is that I am somewhat "laid back" and relaxed about life - I will probably never get ulcers (unless they come from worrying about my boyfriend's health problems).

    I think maybe it makes me more understanding and tolerant of other people's faults and foibles.

    I sometimes wish I were more self-motivated and ambitious, but yet when I see hard-driven ambitious types, I also see that they are, all too often, impatient with and intolerant of others.

    I know that it is far easier than most people think to change personality traits, and I know that I COULD change my own if I wanted to badly enough, but my own faults really don't disturb me to any great extent.

    I know they're there, but I live with them peacefully, and accept them as an integral part of who I am.  Should I ever become sufficiently disturbed by them, then I suppose I WILL get rid of them (but since no one is "perfect", if I get rid of the faults I have now, would I sub-consciously replace them with others?)

    Beyond a doubt, there are SOME human faults that SHOULD be COMPLETELY eliminated ASAP - but some are not so bad if we can acknowledge them and try to keep them under reasonable control.

  15. I have no patience, I'm impulsive. In one way this is good, but it can be infuriating when I have to wait.

  16. I don't suffer fools well... or gracefully.

  17. Too logical.. and not emotional enough. But its a flaw that harms others more than me.

  18. I'm high energy, bordering on ADD.  This means I tend to talk too much, not complete projects, and get distracted easily.

    On the flip side, given that I'm high energy, I tend to work rather quickly and finish the projects that I do finish very soon.

  19. I'm very judgmental toward others and sometimes don't give people the chance they deserve without writing them off too quickly.

  20. my biggest character flaw is that I'm too open minded & it causes my to contradict myself...& that leads to even more contradictions...

  21. I don't Fit in!!!

  22. I procrastinate.

  23. Bone idleness.

  24. My biggest character flaw is that I think too much about little things.  I think a lot in general, but there's no need to think so much on the little things, but I tend to do it anyway.  It's just my nature.  

    I have been working on this actually.  I get better and better at reminding myself.  Like anyone else, there are days when I get off track; but I get back on.

    I don't think that being bossy makes a good leader.  A leader is not a boss.  A leader is a communicator, consolidator, helper, advisor, motivator, and trainer.  No "boss" included.

    There, I fixed it.  See, I'm working on it.  :)

  25. Im a little depressive. I am a little too introverted. I am a little snobbish inwardly, though noone would know. That is the pride manifesting itself. I can be needy. I wish I was funnier and made a few more people laugh!

  26. I hate dithering and disorganisation to the point of obsession. People do not need to have 40 meetings just to make a simple decision and it's bad to start one thing before finishing another first. My suspicion of other people's incompetence (which might be sometimes unfounded) leads me to not delegate responsibility.

    I'd like to, but my pyrrhonian scepticism, honed from past occurences interferes.

  27. I am an utter neat freak and I cry too much. The sadder I am, the more I clean. lol

    Edit:  I know its pitiful isn't it...   :(

  28. I'm a bit lazy. I would work on this flaw, but I'm too lazy to get started.

  29. Pretty girls like you...

    Flirting, really.

  30. Trying too hard to be the fun girl. I have been so busy for so many years trying to get everyone to like me that I've lost my sense of self. But I am working on it!

  31. 1.  I'm very rigid - I must workout almost every day and eat very healthy (which of course the upside is that I'm in great shape)

    2.  I have trust issues (the upside being that I am careful about getting involved romantically with people)

    3.  I am too sensitive (I understand when other people get insulted by things that weren't necessarily meant to insult).

    4.  I'm too hard on myself (I push myself to be better, all the time)

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