
What is your biggest contribution?

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in th horse world...what will you look back on in years and say well that's my contribution




  1. I'm pretty sure I've provided people some pretty good entertainment.  My neighbors sit on the porch and watch me ride, but I'm also good at entertaining bigger in rodeo arenas where I've bit the dust pretty spectacularly a few times. ☺☺☺

  2. i'm already known as the "crazy girl who likes crazy horses"

    because i rescue oTTB's lol and everyone has a really bad TB sterotype!

    but actually tb's are the sweetest and most LAID BACK horses when trained and brought up right... it's amazing.. but peoplel refuse to see that  i dunno why

  3. I don't know...

    But my daughter called me and was asking me how to teach someone about 'kitten hands.'  That's what my grandfather taught me about MY hands on the reins.  To pretend you were holding a kitten...not a runaway dog.

    It's nice to know that I was able to pass on, some of the advice and knowledge that my grandfather took the time to teach me.  In a way...still keeping his knowledge 'alive.'

  4. What I want is for people to look back at the horses we bred and see them as focal points for the breed.... That my horses make a positive impact in the Morgan breed is what I dare to dream of...

  5. All the horses we have taken in over the years (there have been many) we retrained and found wonderful new careers for.  And now I'm hoping my horse rescue helps some new ones find there place in this world with a new family.  Cant help them all but would like to save some.

  6. rehabilitating aggressive dogs and finding proper homes with the right kind of people so they didnt get destroyed. I  have had 6 successful permanent success stories, these were dogs that were weeks away from dying, I wish I could do it full-time as it is very rewarding.....Ive had a ruff night and was wondering where youve been. You are supposed to save me from my crazy rants when people insult me.........

  7. everything in my wallet !

  8. That mules can compete on equal levels with horses and be successful.

    They do already, but in my area there are few mules.  So people here have no idea what mules can do.  

    Well they remember me in 10 yrs, heck no lol.   But they will remember Stretch, hes still well known back in SD where we came from at the shows and missed by them.

  9. My contribution is to get people interested in trail riding and to teach basic trail riding safety.  Including not to use snaffles on the trail.  

    Also to discipline your horse when it is appropriate.  Never discipline out of anger but always to insist on safety and respect.  A lot of horses are shipped off to auction just because their owners lost control because they did not discipline.  The result...a dangerous horse.

    The other thing I pass on is the self reliance and old time lore of how to treat a horse when it is injured or in pain.  Though I call a vet in a true emergency I handle most problems myself and have not had to call the vet (except for coggins and to buy the shots) for about two years.  I have even put in my own stitches by boiling fishing line and a needle and sewing a horse up (granted I would have called the vet that time but there was a vet convention in Kansas City that weekend and apparently most everyone was gone and the ones that weren't were too busy to get to my house in time to do much good, so I did it myself.)


    If you have back problems you really should try gaited horses.  You can get beutifully painted fox trotters and Tennessee Walkers both.  Many people who can not ride a non gaited horse at all can ride and enjoy them.  A co worker of mine is like that and is now up to 5 and 6 mile rides.

    Oh and one of the most beautiful painted horses I know of is a fox trotter (unregistered) named dolly that is as calm as can be and smooth.  She looks much like the horse on hidalgo except that she is also a roan so her sorrel is strawberry, but the markings are VERY similiar.

  10. well, I'd hope that my biggest contribution is teaching people to ride softer and kinder, and to NOT blame their horse ('its never the horses fault')   and helping people with their OTTB's

    I know a few people already remember me as "the girl who fixed my horse" an I'd like to continue on with that [=

    -interesting question, heres a star! *

    just kidding, you get a real one too! XD

  11. Well, I'm already at the age where I do more looking back than looking forward!

    I think I've put a lot of good thinkers on horses throughout my years.  Because I studied so many disciplnes, and experienced so many phases in recent equine history, I've been able to bridge some of the gaps between the disciplines and help people to compromise the old and the new......not doing that well with it here....but in my non-pro life of training, instructing, and just being one of the members of the horse world, I've done alright with it.

  12. The kids that I've fostered and taught about horses.   Something that I find I'm still doing.


    Maybe some, or even one, will make a good name for themselves and a better world for horses.  Whether my name is remembered or not, I'll have passed on some good.

    Like the parable of the sower, some seed falls on good ground and takes root and flourishes.   Some falls on waste land and withers away.   We don't always get to see the results.

  13. I would say my biggest contribution is the work I do at the shelter.  I volunteer at a Equine rescue where abandoned, abused, unwanted, and neglected horses can find a forever home and possibly get adopted and find a loving family.  Some horses are so week they can't stand and we feed them and love them until years later they are galloping around a pasture their coats shining!  Its so rewarding and great for all of the horses!

  14. Right now nothing I've done I can say will leave a mark.

    But once I graduate college and get a job and start making some real money, I would LOVE to help horse rescues and maybe rehab a few myself.  

    I guess for the time being, even though it's not a big deal, I like being someone who is young but that other riders look up to (even ones who are older than me).  I like that people admire my riding.

  15. Hopefully my children will love horses as much, and they will help shape the horse industry in the future.  Hopefully they will continue in the family practice of training Mustangs. That will be my biggest contribution - new, well educated horsepeople for the industry.

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