
What is your biggest driving pet peeve?

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Mine are:

1. Cars that cruise in the fast lane on the highway that you have to pass on the right because they won't move over.

2. Cars that take 5 miles to pass a car on the highway, when they only needed one.

3. Cars that pull out in front of you, when there is no one behind you and they could have waited the 3 seconds until you passed.

4. Cars that, when you turn on your turn signal to change lanes, speed up, so that you can't.

I have many more, but that's the extent of my morning commute to work!!!!!!




  1. People who direct traffic from their driver's seat as if they were a traffic cop. This especially happens at 4-way stops or they wave your left turn in front of their stright through. These are clearly people who don't know what "right-of-way" is and should not be driving.

  2. Just all the other drivers on the road......

  3. Talking on the phone

    Not using blinkers!

  4. Not signaling, hands down.

  5. 5. Everyone has to see the accident, so that backs up traffic for 15 miles, and then when you pass the accident its smooth sailing.

    6. People who make you miss the light.

    7. Cars that are all going the same speed in all the lanes.

    8. Peoples that drive under the speed limit (that are not hauling something.

    9. People that are scared to drive behind or near 18 wheelers

    10. People that don't recognize that traffic is merging so they wait until the last possible moment to move over.

    I could go on but I think you get the point.

    I have nothing to do so I will continue

    11. People who pass you just so they can get in front of you and drive 1 mph faster.

    12.  People who don't get out of the way of emergency vehicles or let you  get out of the way.

    13. People who slow down when they see a cop has someone pulled over.  Obviously, they can't come after you it they are dealing with someone else.

    14. Cops that give tickets for driving 5 miles over the speed limit.

    15. This one is for the people in L.A., where in the world are you going a 4 in the morning on a weekend.  I was coming from a club, you can't all be coming from a club.

    16. People that want to file a claim for the lightest tap in the parking lot. (I hit a woman's tire on an SUV).  

    17. People who can't drive

    I've gotten enough out, but I could still go on.

  6. All of the above (and all of the posts that follow)...which can be summed up as rude and clueless drivers.  "Chicks" are the prime offenders.

  7. Drivers that don't know the laws of the road

  8. i hate it when people cut you off without signaling. I mean if you are going to cut me off at least do it the proper way and give me some kind of warning.

  9. all that bothers me too. also...

    - people who don't get the concept of merging

    -people who can't do AT LEAST the speed limit

    -people who are driving next to each other doing the same speed limit (usually below the speed limit) and won't let anyone pass...aka: moving roadblocks!

    - people who honk their horns at you the very second the light turns green, not even giving you enough time to take your foot off the break.

  10. If I have to choose one of yours, I choose #3.

    Mine is people that drive up to the front of a long line of cars to wait for someone to let them in when they could have gotten in the back of the line like everyone else.  Would you do that in line at the movies?  So why is it okay when you're in  your car?

  11. SOB's!! that don't let you in from the onramp and speed up so you wont pass ONLY so that they can SLOW DOWN again!

    I had that happen to me once, i passed him, he caught up to me cut me off, slow down, and wouldn't let me pass by semy swerving into the other lanes, i beat him around some traffic got in front of him and slow down to 10 MILES AN HOUR!!!!!! during high speed times 70+MPH!! Mother f-er got lucky i didn't have my old school lock handy or one of those would've right through his windows!

  12. Mine is people who stop at the top of entrance ramps, even if there is no one in the lane that they are trying to merge into.  They make it really difficult for people behind them to successfully merge into 70mph traffic.

  13. Petrol money would be highest on my list then you have the others,s where do i start the people who when they where in the showroom buying there cars should have asked for a discount for not wanting Indicators because they dont need them or want them or use them so they should get a discount what yaah reckon ?

  14. What you have is good.

    Heres a few more...

    --- People that excessively speed with no re-guard for others on the road.

    ---People who tailgate and flash their high beams at you when you are already speeding in order to pass a car.

    ---People that want you to move over when there is no place to move slow traffic in front of you and a tractor trailer next to you.

    --- People who think that it is a CAR not that there are PEOPLE INCLUDING SMALL CHILDREN in it that are innocent of any wrong doing on the road.

    --- Police that speed for no reason putting the public at risk.

  15. Yes.

    5.  Third world drivers.(usually the drivers doing 1-4)

  16. The one that ERKS ME! When they are driving on the freeway and cannot make up their mind "Should I take the left lane? Or the right lane?" GEEZE! PICK A LANE M*** F*****!!!!!!!!!

  17. My pet hate is lorries and slowpokes in front of me generally unless I'm on my motorbike in which case it's everyone in front except bikes.

  18. When people drive up my bum...if i'm going to slow for you, overtake me! i'll slow down to p**s them off, them wave at them when they pass me lol.

  19. driving instructors that Can not keep their hands to them self's .  If i ever find one and pass my test i will let you know

  20. The pulling out thing REALLY gets me. Especially when they start to edge out as you are STILL passing and they barely miss hitting you!

    My second one is people who DON'T use their turn signal when you are waiting to turn (you know across the traffic)!

  21. When people are riding my a$$ even when I'm doing the speed limit or even going a little faster

  22. I hate tailgaters the most but those who stop to let people turn left in front of them when no other cars are coming are a close second.

  23. Add to #3--When they cut you off making a turn, no one behind you--and they either make a left turn immediately afterward (with plenty of oncoming traffic to wait for) or they go slowly.  That's a big one of mine!

    People that overtake you then go slower than what you were going.

    People who forget how the turn signal switch works.

    People who forget to turn the stupid signal off!

    People who tailgate when you're doing 70 in a 65 zone passing someone doing 50.  Can't you wait five seconds?  (I typically wait until the passing lane is clear before passing, so the Speedy Gonzales wannabes can get to where they're going 5 seconds sooner.)

    EDIT:  Beth--"The pulling out thing REALLY gets me. Especially when they start to edge out as you are STILL passing and they barely miss hitting you!"

    My dad had that happen to him one time, he was going down Woodward Avenue in the Detroit area and some dork was turning off a side street, and he STOPPED his car IN FRONT of said dork, went up to the car, and asked him was he in a hurry!  LOL!!!

  24. l.  People who leave their blinkers on and don't turn.

    2. People who don't turn their blinkers on until they are turning.

    3.  People who are opposite you at a stop sign, (you having one two). and are in the right of way, but won't go., even after you wave them on, and then when you finally decide to heck with them and you decide to go they finally go.

    4.  People who drink and drive.

    5.  People who let people drink and drive.

    6.  Truckers that drive right up your.........!!!!!!!!!!

  25. I vote option #3 on this one- Why do people think they HAVE to jump out there (or even just inch out) in front when it's so much safer to wait that three seconds?  -That's just my pet peeve, but my absolute fear is the onslaught of newly licensed high schoolers wandering across the center line at 55mph popping over a ridge as the highway enters town and the speed limit lowers- texting friends and applying makeup takes two hands, so who's actually driving? Insurance companies that offer "accident forgiveness" scare me,too.Doesn't anyone act responsibly and thoughtfully anymore? There really are serious consequences to minor actions when cars are involved...

  26. Also, when a slow car pulls out in front of you when you are speeding up attempting to pass them.  GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  27. I'm not an overly fast driver by any means, and do not break the speed limit. But the one thing that does my nut in is old people in big cars driving 10mph+ slower than the speed limit.

    Also on a 2-lane carriageway a big HGV overtaking another and it takes ages.

    Grrrrr, I'm getting angry just thinking about it. lol

  28. someone speeding, it the fast lane, who cuts across 4 to 8 lanes of fraffic to get into the exit lane - causing about 15 cars to try as hard as possible to NOT wreck

  29. Old people pulling out infront of you & not picking up speed just sitting at 15-20mph, that does ma head in

  30. You seem to blame the cars when it is idiots behind the wheel.

    Only a few people may understand this pet peeve, but with one word it encompasses so much: TOURISTS!!

    Its like people visit the beach (go to another state) and have completely lost all abilities to drive like a normal, sane person!

  31. Drunk drivers, I used to work nights and got off around 11pm and had a 40 mile drive home on a freeway, amazing how many drunk drivers I saw over the years.

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