
What is your biggest fear as a parent?

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What is your biggest fear as a parent?




  1. Mine is passing away before they are at least 18 I lost my mom when I was six years. Even though she was addicted to drugs I still never got the chance to know her and every day that hurts my heart so much. I had a good childhood thank god but I wish I would have had that mothers touch. I want to raise my own kids and the fact I could go before they are old enough to take care of themselves is very scary.  

  2. Any harm coming to my child, loosing my child. . that sort of thing  

  3. Not living for my daughter,

    i am obese and diabetic, my fear is i will die an eary death and leave her in this world alone.

    I choose to live for my family, i have lost 10kg and loosing more!

  4. so many!  The negative aspects of her parents characters coming out in her is a huge one - and her dying or being hurt is another.  And any man hurting her when she grows up is another.  If she dies, I'm going too though, I already buried one child.

  5. seeing them suffer..and not knowing that they have a good way around with life,if they could make it or not.

  6. My 10 year old has been in six car accidents - three in school buses and three in cars that were struck by other drivers.  I'm always nervous about him getting in a car or bus.  Can you imagine the daily stress?

  7. losing my children. I want them to bury me i never want to bury them...

    Or  seeing my children in any pain its heartbreaking  

  8. Her other parent

    (Abused me while pregnant now taking me to court for access)

    Guess that comes under fear you will be unable to protect them from harm or abuse...

  9. Not having my Husband there to help and support me & our children.

  10. I have lived through a Parents Biggest Fear, my 9 year old son drown several years ago...I have 3 surviving children, I have to be careful not to Hover to much and allow them to grow normally without to much restriction...I am very Protective, but I work on NOT being OVERLY-PROTECTIVE.

  11. I agree with the answers above me..I dont want to lose my children or see them get hurt, or maybe see them suffer on a very rare desease and be on medication for the rest of their lives or sometimes only survive with a machine,, that must be excruciating for parents to see their children suffer and we cant do anything to help their life a lot easier..

  12. Losing them. Ive seen people go through the heartbreak of losing a child and I never want to go through that.

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