
What is your biggest fear in life ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm scared that I'm going to get a divorce, that's the number one thing

that I dont want to happen... oh and bugs =]




  1. that my dreams won't come true

  2. Ants and the dark  

  3. let me tell you, it isnt fun.....your brain melts....

  4. My greatest fear:

    Dying, regretting my life.

  5. that i wont be succesful in life

  6. drowning

  7. well before i probably would have said death or the dark, but afraid of not being able to make it in the world.

  8. That i'm not good enough, also the girl from the ring freaks me out.

  9. i saw a shrink 1 time and i had a really hard life as a kidd-o and neways she was telling me that i had experienced the worse already, and that from here on out, karma was gunna be smooth sailing! :)

  10. ...being life... and not having an opportunity to have shared LOVE...

  11. Not living up to expectations

  12. Monotony.

  13. My parents dying.

  14. That near death when I look back at my life, the choices I"ve made and the things I've done, I will feel as if it amounted to nothing.  It's deeper than being successful for me, it's more the fear of feeling unfulfilled, unsatisfied and like my time on this planet was wasted.  I think that fear has driven me to be an overly ambitious, high-strung, exhausted but successful, self-reliant person who is strong enough to face and overcome the everyday problems that come with a demanding career and equally demanding family.  

  15. Im afraid of NWO[New World Order]

    or the earth Exploding

  16. Humans may become too stupid, that's my fear.  With all this vanity, and new technology,  The wrong hands are out there.

  17. I think my greatest fear is to die young and not to experience thins that i want to. and ending up alone & growing up. lol

  18. Global warming destroying the earth. yes and defiantly bugs

  19. Another War.

    Your fear must have a basis. Examine it and work it out.


  20. Accidentally getting a girl pregnant.

  21. Spiders, getting old, being poor and getting really sick

  22. That my p***s will break.

  23. Getting old and being lonely.  

  24. Hillary Clinton becoming President.

    Serious answer:  Going to jail.

    Jail is h**l on Earth

  25. I'm claustrophobic so being anywhere I can't get out of, also big fear of somehow getting knocked into the sea and getting eaten by a shark.  (too much Jaws when I was younger!)

  26. Ninja snails taking over the world.  

  27. anyone should be scared about the truth  of his religion . If that religion was wrong , then that person has made a very very big mistake , because God will be angrey on him . This is the permanent concern of some people and it should be for the others . Once , the human is very sure that his religion is right , he  will not  be afraid from anything even

    death , he will do anything that make  God satisfy .

  28. burning alive, my friend's father told us that one of his co workers had died the day before (at the time he was telling us) from crashing her car and the car was on fire, no one knew she was in there cause she was knocked unconscience and by the time she came too and started calling for help it was too late, the car was engulfed in flames and it was too hot for anyone to get to her and the fire trucks were still on their way. it freaked me out thinking about the pain she had been through before she died. id rather freeze to death than burn to death cause at least you go numb and fall asleep when you freeze.

  29. That God becomes for any reason not pleased with me ...

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