
What is your biggest fear of all?

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What is your biggest fear of all?




  1. rubberbands LoL theyy scare me so bad i was tramatized after one of my friendz chased me around threatenin 2 flick it at me :[

  2. Spiders

  3. Everything :(

  4. Getting in a car crash or dying in a painful way.

  5. My husband dying.

  6. someone coming through my window at night and kidnapping me  =\

  7. I have no fear.

  8. #1 not be able to raise my unborn child as well as my parents did me, and teaching him/her to not make the same mistakes I have!

  9. not having my on child

  10. admitting it when I didn soemthign wrong

  11. needles

  12. fear itself

  13. i fear, fear itself

  14. Clowns. I can't stand them.... No need for elaboration.

  15. getting stabbed to death

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