
What is your biggest fear?

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mine is not finding happiness in life. And dying in a tornado.




  1. Does fear actually exist?  YES Is it useful? In some cases yes.  My biggest fear is something that doesn't exist except within me (failure).  Failure is not a useful fear. Psychological disorders can intensify fears in some people.  

    The fear of a snake biting is a healthful fear because in fact a snake can bite and be deadly.  As long as you do not invest too much energy in a fear like dying in a tornado this is a good example of a healthful fear because in fact this could occur; however not finding happiness is not.  

    You bring the fear not finding happiness into existence, you nourish that fear because you are the only one who can find happiness.  Perhaps the happiness is all around you; maybe your standards for happiness need re-evaluated.  

    Distinguishing which fear is worth having and which fear is not can be useful in conquering your fears.  Take a look deeper in your fears and start conquering them because some fears contribute wasted energy in our bodies and minds.  

  2. My biggest fear is not knowing what the future will hold.  When my mom was diagnosed with cancer, it made me immediately worry about not only her health but pray that my children don't get cancer.  When I was robbed at gunpoint it immediate made me worry at all times about the safefty of myself and my family even more.  It's the things that you think will never happen to you....that I worry about.

  3. Having my wife think I failed her in any way (really).

    Happiness will find you.

    The tornado would have to find you are well, but you have a better chance of winning the lotto then getting snatched up to the land of Oz.

    Best regards.

  4. not  saying...or  doing  what  I  want   and  need   to  do  or  say!!

  5. Prolonged intense physical pain.

  6. losing my family

  7. I have a lot of fears, but my biggest fear is being left alone in the world, out-living all my family members and friends. That would cause me to feel very empty, like one gigantic black hole.  

  8. not being successful in my career

  9. Achieving goals, lot of happiness & not dying quickly.


  11. Being kidnapped and taken away from my family.

  12. failure

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