
What is your biggest pet peeve about other drivers on the road?

by  |  earlier

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for me, I would saying not to use their turn signals when turning.




  1. drivers who don't know the rules on the road..why do they drive anyway?

  2. how about those people that pull right out in front of you & go much slower than you are going?!  aaarrrggghhh....they drive me nuts!  (tail gaters are pretty annoying too)


  4. slow drivers bug that h**l out of me

  5. Drivers who think semi's can stop on a dime.

  6. When two or three semis decide to drive side-by-side on the freeway.

  7. Drivers who wave individual digits at me.

  8. I frigging hate it when there isn't a car behind you for miles and some jerk speeds up to get in front of you just to go slower.Or how when there is a Highway patrol car and everyone slows way down but the Highway patrol is speeding with no lights whats that all about?As you see I am a Californian and I have some issues with dumb *** drivers.

  9. People who drive slowly in the fast lane.

  10. People who follow too close. Makes me paranoid i'm going to get rear-ended.

  11. It seems no matter what lane your in, that other drivers want to be where your at.So that's why I try to be seen by moving a little to the left or right so car in front of me can see me in his mirror and watching my distance between from cars in front and behind and staying out of the blind spots on cars on the side of me.

  12. My greatest pet peeve regarding other drivers on the roads is total self absorbtion.  People who pull out in front of you without checking both ways, people who tailgate, people on their cellphones, people interacting with their children/mates, and lastly, people who feel a sense of entitlement on the road.

  13. People are stupid - using a turn signal requires them to either hang up their cell phone, stop applying make-up, or cease whatever other distraction they are engaged in.

  14. definately people driving too slow when they are in front of you...i HATE that!!

  15. Drivers who tailgate you,when you're already going over the speed limit.  Drivers who have their high beams on, and their tight behind you and you can't see a thing.  Also when drivers try merging onto the highway, and they merge all the way and they go right next to your car, and almost hit you so they can take their exits.

  16. I would say slow-turners.  Especially if they are the first car in line when you're trying to turn left on a green arrow.  Do these people think their car will tip over if they turn faster than 10 mph??

  17. I agree.  That really bother's me.  Even more than talking on the cell phone.  It bother's me when they dont put on signals to turn.

  18. suddenly being cut off, and being followed too closley

  19. Pulling out in front of me, only to make the next quick turn.

  20. I hate drivers that drive really fast like they are on a race track and weave in and out of lanes without signalling. I also get annoyed at people that can't keep a constant speed on the highway. They slow down and as soon as someone tries to pass them they suddenly speed up. The drivers that are notorious for doing this are usually on a cell phone.

  21. Drivers talking on cell phones while driving. One day while driving to work, as the rest of us were pushing 65mph, there was this one guy on his cell phone cruising right along at 50mph. apparently his conversation was far more important than the safety of others.

    - all to often, i'll see people try to text message while driving. that's a sig alert in the making.

    - essentially, anything that anybody does that cause a slow down, interrupts the flow of traffic - that's my pet peeve.

    - number two pet peeve, incredibly loud sound systems with the bass turned all the way up. annoying for most, and for a case of early hearing loss for the cool dude in the car listening to it.

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