
What is your biggest pet peeve on Y!A?

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Mine is when people say " I'LL GIVE YOU TEN POINTS!" But obviously someone will get 10 points some way or another unless it gets reported.

And plus everyone knows you get 10 points for best answers. It's just screaming HEY I'M STATING THE OBVIOUS!

Plus I hate when people don't use proper english or punctuation!

Example: "Like this i just keep talking and taking and i never use commas or periods ladeda look this is the next sentence but how are we supposed to know since there is NO PUNCTUATION!"

Or talk ghetto like this " well ya no? itz jus dat u gotta b yo self wen it cums(comes) 2 dat. Dont let no body tell u dat u cant du it. Itz o.k"

How about you?




  1. When, instead of actually giving ADVICE to possibly pregnant teens, people freak out and say "OMG YOU SHOULD ABORT/ADOPT or "OMG YOU'RE JUST ANOTHER STATISTIC/YOU RUINED YOUR LIFE!!!!!" or the ever classic "OMG WHAT IS WITH TEENS TODAY?"

    Trolls, of course.

    Other tan the ones you stated, nothing else really bothers me. =D

  2. It peeves me when people ask questions that have been resolved a million times before. Like "Could I be pregnant?" or "Why did so-and-so happen?" It just really bugs me.

  3. am i pregnat questions. there is like a BILLION of those questions here. im sick of little kids getting pregnant.

  4. Like you said I hate when people talk with no punctuation. I hate when people talk ghetto.

    Also when people ask a question that has already been asked/resolved about a million times. It's like type it in the search box and it'll give you an answer!*

  5. I hate when they use ghetto talk too. I also don't like it when they leave retarded remarks.

  6. i think im pregnat????

    Am i pregnent?

    i HATE those two questions!

    AND thats why they invented the...PREGNANCY TEST!!!

  7. Probably the pregnancy questions. Theres at least four or five on every page. It's seriously like go get a pregnancy test. Y!A is not a substitute!

    I also hate when people say no negative answers but they want your 'honest opinion'. Like in the Baby Names section, everyone always says that. And then when nobody responds because of the stupid no negative rule, they post the question ten minutes later. And then again an hour later. Trolls.  

  8. i hate when people type like " nad thenn i de os teh tihng wehr u liik u kno what i mena" its like NO we DON'T know what you mean... try mavis beacon teaches typing then try again.

  9. I'm 12 and had s*x. Am I pregnant? Cause I know that random strangers on the internet are supposed to know.

  10. Haha.  Great question.  =)

    Probably trolls... and ppl hu tk lk dis cuz dey tink itz cool.

  11. Stupid people


    "Rate my look"

    "Does my face look ok"

    "If I use a tampon does that make me not a virgin"

  12. Mine are:

    Posting the same question over and over again

    typing like they dont no how 2 spell nething (anything)


    when the use fifty bajillion !!!!!!!!  (or whatever that number is)

    Trolls (is that what people call them)

    and the "am i pregnant" ones because they seem to think that Y!A is a pregnancy test

  13. the "am i pregnant?" questions. people could search their problem and most likely get an answer for it!

  14. I hate people whos questions are like:"I'm preganant,how do I tell my mom?" or "I'm 13 years old and I'm preganant,what should i do?"

    If the person is preganant what can we do about it?

    She's not going to get help by posting a question on Yahoo Answers.

  15. When people answer questions with 'I don't know'.

    If you don't know then why are you answering?!

    I hate when people don't use punctuation as well, I can't make sense of their questions.

  16. When you ask a question and instead of giving and answer they ask you a question. If they are asking a Q post it!

  17. Mine are the "am I pregnent"!! One how is someone on the internet going to know if you are pregnant or not and two if you can't even spell the word pregnant, then you shouldn't be having s*x.

  18. People who judge and generalize, ugh. I see A LOT of that on here, and not just this section, in most other sections too.

    Edit:I agree with the second answer too. When pregnant teens ask for help and people are like "You should've thought of that before" ugh, they can't go back in time you know. And that pretty much falls under the people who judge category too. So yeah, that's annoying.

  19. TROLLS. ugh! i hate them.

    possibly pregnant teens that have the classic question 'could i be pregnant'? &  'omg im so sleepy & my feet and stomach hurt could i be pregnant'.  

  20. Not using proper English or punctuation. If you're not going to make your question readable, what's the point in posting it?

    Also, the trolls who keep posting the same ridiculous questions over and over just to stir things up.

  21. All the ones you mentioned, as well as the trolls, and the number of teenages who think their pregnant, but don't go take a test or go to the doctor's office.

  22. People who write any old nonsense because they are so obviously only trawling Y!A to get POINTS - not to get THE POINT, let alone to give a sane and sensible answer of their own - out of their own minds, not someone else's!  OLLY

  23. trolls

  24. I completely agree with both the ones you said. I mean a spelling mistake here or there because of a typo or a hard to spell word is one thing, but spelling wrong on purpose for "convenience" is stupid. Also I can't stand the trolls.  

  25. - The ones that you said.

    - The 5000 "Am I Pregnant" Questions...can't they read the answers from someone elses questions?

    - The 11-15 year olds that say they're pregnant just to start some drama

    - The "Is Abortion Right Or Wrong" questions

    - The people that ask stupid fake questions over and over again.

    - All the younger teens that mark all their questions as Urgent and the only thing wrong is "am I wearing the right shoes"...


  26. I know! That totally get's on my nerves!     Example.. I kno dat totally gitz on my nervez lolz.

    People are just so lazy.

    xoxoxo Annie May!

  27. People who answer questions, without knowing where the asker is from, and automatically assume that they are from the same country as them (usually the US).  Then say things like 'That's illegal'.  It might be illegal where they come from, but it's not the same all over the world.  

    And, the ones who say that someone has spelled a word wrong when they haven't.  Have they never heard of British English?

    Oh, and the countless questions I look at because they are asking for answers from British people, only to find out that they actually are looking for answers from people from England.  Why not just put England in your question??  Do they not realise that Britain includes Scotland and Wales.

    People who don't use paragraphs and it's just loads of lines.  I just can't read questions like that.

  28. I dont like to refer to people as "Trolls"...

    And as for Puncation, When someone has a major problem and/or are young, they tend not to care about Puncation...

    As For Pregancies,

    Tell ya PARENTS!

    Not some people in the Net..

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