
What is your biggest phobia/fear or really "freaks you out"?

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With me it has to be anything dead whether it be a fly or a person. I shake out and get a feeling I want to puke. Dead animals......criinge!!

I was just watching something about a mortury on tv and I caught a glimse of the dead body, I actually feel faint and have a lump in my throat. Im not sure where the fear comes from as I was never this bad before.




  1. I have a fear about going to funerals. It's not that I think the dead body's going to come alive or something, I just have a fear about caskets.

    It creeps me out that when we go to the burial site, when they shut the casket lid, it's going to be closed forever. There's no opening it up or anything.

    That really creeps me out, so usually I try to miss the burial if I can.

  2. Being buried alive, trapped under ice or stuck in a hole in underground cave systems. Meh.

  3. snakes is my phobia...I also have a massive fear of having operations...I fear that they wont put me to sleep properly and i will feel them cutting me open and i feel the surgeon's hand roaming around my insides! when the give you a operation they paralyse if you are awake you can't move or scream to let them know that you are awake!

  4. I am absolutely petrified of heights, but, guess what, we are going on the London Eye on Sunday. Booked it months ago when I was feeling brave.

  5. These cannibals who haven't eaten in days. They keep looking at me...

  6. Mainly wasps, but also spiders or any insect for that matter!

  7. Cockroaches!

  8. My fears are as follows.

    The thought of dieing comes to mind some times and then i see nothing but darkness, and then follows a slight panic attack where i would jump up and head for the nearest exit, but usually after two or 3 steps i calm back down.

    Its also hard for me to comprehend how life existed before me and how it would go on without me, but i do hope i will be remembered.

  9. Any insect or arachnid, particularly if they can fly but most especially COCKROACHES...I loathe them with my whole palms are sweating just thinking about it....I have often asked myself whether I would ever be able to eat one if my family's life depended on it and I'm sorry to say I'd probably have to let them die!!!


    once i was at a fair, in first grade, and there was thing where you had to go up 100 steps, and slide down.

    my teacher had to carry me down after i went up 30 steps.

    besides thats,



    sometimes needles.


    deadly fair of knives, for some odd reason.

  11. Well, it's the origin theory. Big Bang, ya ya, but that doesn't explain why there is any matter or energy in the first place. Why is there anything? Something can't come from nothing, there is no reason for anything to exist. Why does anything exist? Will we ever know?

    That's what scares me. The fact that there is no reason as to why I exist.

    God is not a viable answer. People often claim that you can't disprove God, but there are dozens of ways you can disprove the existence of a God.

  12. Crows...'s the noise they make. I swear to god they follow me too! I leave my house in the morning and there is always one on the neighbours roof... looking at me...making that 'gaaak' noise.


  13. Creepy crawly bugs! And metal tape measures. It only took one time to see the nastiest cut by one, and now just getting near one freaks me out. Especially the snapping sound it makes! Blehh!

  14. hurt..pain..heartbreak..disappointments.... broke forever..never finding a good man...letting a good man get away cuz of fear

  15. I'm afraid of basketballs, volleyballs, soccer balls, footballs. Hard balls that can take out your two front teeth. Ugghh! I was always freaked during PE class. Until now, I'm still afraid of them stupid balls.

  16. i have an unreasonable fear of canals, the water just looks so freakily calm and very deep, i never drive by them and when i was a child going cycling i would get off my bike and walk while deep breathing and nearly crying... dunno where it came from ?

  17. getting fat or sick people.....i know that sounds mean, but if anyone is ever sick with a cold or something, im always lik stay the h**l away from me and then i hate touching anything they have like towels....

  18. imagine going skydiver and both the main and reserve shoots dont work. so you have to skin your self to make a parachute and use your tendons as nylon... i never wanna relive that

  19. My fear is water. I don't like deep water. As far as dead bodies, I work in a funeral home,so that can't freak me out.

  20. batrachophobia- fear of frogs


    Scoliodentosaurophobia- fear of lizards

  21. Big fat hairy spiders. and very large boats/ships. Also dying horribly. and Large expanses of water.

  22. TOWELS! I'm not kidding. i hate the feel ! omg imagine rubbing it against your teeth. ( i know I'm crazy lol)

    My fear is my family dieing

  23. I'll pick "What totally freaks me out" because my fears are probably the same as most people

    I really cant stand people walking bare foot on carpets..

    Makes me feel incredibly sick.

  24. Spiders and large heights.

  25. Spiders

  26. Spiders And Elevators... I'm claustrophobic and i hate spiders even if they cant be seen by my great grandmother

  27. when I read the bible about the apocalypse, I got really scared and I thought that even I can live forever, the world will be destroyed one day, and the more I read it, the more I get tormented, I can't imagined what lies beyond the death, and that makes me even scared...  

  28. Spiders // Slugs/Snails // Operations //


  29. The idea of drowning or suffocating really freaks me out!

  30. I can't be in tite or small spaces it FREAKS ME OUT !!!!!!!!!!!  

  31. spiders - i know, how dull and unoriginal

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