
What is your biggest question about cruising? Please list any questions you have that need answers.?

by  |  earlier

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For a long time, I had never taken a cruise. I always wanted to, but was amost afraid because it was so different than anything I had ever done. Now, even though I'm an avid cruiser, I still have questions on occasion. So, my question to you is, what do you want to know most about cruising or the cruise industry? If you had an expert to 'hold your hand' and be your 'cruise consultant', what questions would you love to have answers to? Feel free to list as many as you wish.




  1. 1. How do you know it's really a woman?

    2. How much do you pay to go around the world?

    3. How can you be sure she's not really a cop?

    (We are talking about cruising for hookers, aren't we?)

  2. click here

    this will help.

  3. how do you get a job on a cruise ship?

  4. Will the captain go down with the ship or be the first in the lifeboat?

  5. 1) How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie roll center of a Tootise pop?

    2)  Who's buried in Grant's tomb?

    3)  Who is the Unknown Soldier?

    4)  When was the war of 1812?

  6. Why would anyone want to go on a ship the size of the Freedom of the Seas

  7. what is the most expensive room?

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