
What is your biggest secret?

by  |  earlier

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What is your biggest secret?




  1. Well if I told you then it wouldn't be a secret right

  2. i have an eating disorder.

  3. If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

  4. That I'm a pathological liar.

    ....or am I?

  5. that I have more than 1 big secret ,and no one knows I have any secrets so are they really secret or not??

  6. The one I don't reveal on Yahoo! Answers....

    Scratch that I'm actually quite open.^_^

  7. Now why would people tell you if it's a secret.  

  8. if i told then it wouldnt be a secret now would it

  9. that i have none.  my life is an open book.

  10. uhmm.... not even i know ! wtf...

  11. The person i have loved all my life, trouble is that it's my best friend.

  12. i won't tell you thats why they call it a secret

  13. ???

  14. I'm actually a killer alien robot disguised as Tom DeLong. Last year I killed Chuck Norris, however his corpse continues to exist as a zombie and has everyone fooled for the real deal. I must find the 4th Opal Key before the 7th moon crosses the 54th degree and closes Simons Gate.

  15.   If I told you it wouldn't be a secret.

  16. i dont care

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