
What is your biggest wish?

by  |  earlier

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  1. To win the lottery.  I'm just being honest. Then I could take care of my family.  Make sure everyone is nice and secure in their future.  Then I would give to the charities of my choice.  And invest, invest, invest...

  2. It's in the green category, so here goes:

    I wish I could walk into a store and see recycling bins by the door alongside the trash.

    I wish that people would stop using the one-use throwaway (albeit recyclable) water bottles, when reusable ones work just as well.

    But my big wish is that everyone would calculate their carbon footprint and attempt to reduce it by 15%.

    Wishes can come true.

  3. To save the planet.

  4. I want to live my life as I see best because it is my life, I get just one chance at life, and I want to see how well I do with my life.

  5. I wish people would stop throwing trash on the ground!!!

  6. To see gas prices go back down for good and to just live the good life. With the basics such as a family, nice car, a nice home etc.

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