
What is your bloodiest or grusome story?

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What is your bloodiest or grusome story?




  1. i fell down the stairs and got a crack in my butt

  2. It's not my story but I guess the experiments carried out against all the "undesirables" at the n**i death camps during the second world war is pretty gruesome.

    Also the slaughter and torture carried out In Rwanda after the world said that it would never be silent against such horror and brutality against a race of people again. I think you agree that cutting off a woman's b*****s so she can not feed her children is pretty gruesome.

    I guess in the end these stories are our stories because the world said never again and then we have Darfur.

    I guess the most horrific thing is that every time the world stands united and says never again,

    again happens again.

  3. I got my head/face slammed shut in a car door as I was getting out of that car!!! I had to get rushed to the ER cuz I was bleeding everywhere from both a huge gash & my nostrils...and I had a broken nose. I have a big nasty scar across the bridge of my nose to this day......'nuff said.....

    Why'd I get a thumbs-down?? You never specified whether it had to be a personal story or otherwise. This just happened to be ONE of my bloodiest personal ones......

  4. One time, in like the 4rth grade, my friend was trying to climb a lamppost, except the top had broken, and when she slid down she got a gigantic gash in her foot from one of the shards of glass.

    So, we put her foot in this watering can full of water, but in like three seconds the entire thing turned completely was sick.

  5. why does this interest you?

  6. Picture this... years ago, going to Liverpool, with a van full of confectionery.

    Lorry in front breaks suddenly...the van collides into lorry, followed by rear end smash from a car.

    I knock myself out... when I come to, a guy is, telling me to stay completely still, red stuff running down my face, and onto my clothes.

    Total panick..great concern, Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade arrives.

    Outcome... shock, horror !!!!!!!

    It turns out it was the tray of JAM from the doughnuts....and red jelly from the Trifles, that had shunted forward and totally covered me.... embarrassment  !!

    No-one hurt.....just pride,   thank god.

    I wonder if secretly they my expense, whilst getting a check-up at the hospital.

    Caramac x

  7. ok we had this dirt jump in my backyard and i went off it going about 120mph on a dirtbike did a flip bike went flying away and landed in a tree i feel to the ground i had my shin bone protruding from my leg and my skull was cracked and i broke both arms and i needed about 1000 stitches and all these nails and all this nasty stuff, oh and i lost like 3litres of blood and i was in the hospital for 1month recovering (i was in a coma for 1week), i still have the scars all along my legs and im still growing my hair back from it being cut off, and im still in a arm and leg cast, im at home now but dont ever try this, i live in florida so thats why i dont have snow around atm but ya it sucks

  8. Someone got their donkey into a hi-storey council flat.  It was on the thirteenth floor.  The Council got complaints and said the donkey had to go.  However,  no-one could get the donkey to leave so they had to blow the poor animal up.

  9. I have A LOT because I used to work as a paramedic.  Once, we got sent to this house where the guy said his wife had fallen in the bathroom and injured herself.  When we got there the smell was AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!  When we entered the bathroom, we found her on the floor, covered in her own fecal matter and urine.  Her fingertips were worn to the bone - she had been clawing at the floor trying to move.  She had been there for DAYS before her husband decided to call for help!

  10. i killed some one then woke up

  11. Several months ago I answered a question something like "What's in the coffin?", it was regarding what they put into the coffins after a 'plane crash.

    I recounted the story which answers your question, when I was in the RAF in the late sixties, I was one of a party who had the task of recovering the bits and pieces of several people who had died in a plane crash, I remember to this day picking up a flying boot, only to find the foot was still in it,  they were all put in plastic bags.

    As this was years before DNA, the bits were separated as best as possible, put into the right number of coffins, and the weight made up with sand.

  12. an old boyfriend threw an ashtray at me when i was cooking. So i smashed his face in with the hot frying pan. I warned him not to p**s me off.

  13. My friend fell of the top of my house and completly cracked his leg in half. He's allright but i could see the inside of his leg!

  14. I can't tell you becuz of a pending lawsuit.

  15. Why would you ask this isn't the world horrible enough as it is?

    OK little lady you want gruesome - how about a young 18yr  boy strapping a bomb to himself because some cowardly *** tells him he will go to heaven and get a harim of virgins

    if he just walks into an out door market and blows himself up?

    This young stupid boy is too naive to understand that these monsters are just using him to do something they don't have the guts to do.

    He walks into a busy shopping area picks an area with lots of people standing in line and walks up to them and triggers his bomb that is around his waist and upper body blowing himself and innocent mothers and children to peices.

    How is that for your little social study's class?

  16. when i was 13 yrs i stuck a safety pin into a tennis ball,tied some string to it and was playing with my kitten,,,the ball got caught on the clothes line,the pin flipped out and the hook end of the pin flipped up under my eyelid,,,,i could not pull it out as each time i tried my eye came forward""""eventually i just leaned forward shook my head and it came out:::the pin not my eye!!! thank God i was very lucky and it did no damage apart from soreness for a couple of days,,,yucky huh?

  17. My friend found a deer head on the side of the road, put it in a box, and gave it to her family for christmas....

  18. Hi, How are you?

    Well, two of these are my own, another is not.  

    My 1st Story:

    I was at school in the classroom and one girl was teasing me about something, I can't remember what, and so I threw my water bottle at her, not intending to hurt her, just as a little joke.  

    Knowing she would throw it back at me, I turned around and covered my eyes, but I stupidly tried to run away and tripped over her PE bag that was on the floor.

    I fell head-first into the metal corner of the wall.

    I got up, and at first felt no pain and didn't realise anything was wrong.

    But then my friend screamed.  She pointed and stared motionless at my forhead.

    That was when I saw it, blood gushing down over my eyes.

    My friend ran me to the school nurse, who phoned my mum.

    I was taken to hospital, and I was really scared.  They checked my sight and hearing, and I was fine, thank God.

    I still have the scar to prove it... small, but with such a story behind it...

    My Second Story:

    I was about 5, and I was having a drink, swinging forward on my chair.  The chair slipped, I fell forward, my chin hit the table, knocking my teeth together and biting half of my tongue nearly clean off.  It was literally hanging off by a few threads!!!

    I went to hospital (again) and I had it sewn back on, leaving no scars (miraculously).

    A Story, not my own:

    A girl, about 15, was babysitting two babies.  She kept hearing strange footstep noises from upstairs, and laughing.  She went upstairs to check it out, and there was a clown doll in the parent's room.  She went downstairs again and then heard it again, so she went back up.  The clown doll was now at the top of the stairs.

    She called the parents of the babies, and told them what had happened.  The parents said "Clown doll? We don't have a clown doll, do we?"

    The girl asked to call the police, but the parents of the babies said they'd be home soon.  So again, she went to check it put.  It had moved again, and she touched it's face.  It was warm, like it was... alive...

    It was.  It wasn't a clown doll, it was a dwarf.  The dwarf raped her, then chopped her up, alive.


    Anyway, so you're thinking where did I here that?

    Well, My friend's sister heard it at university.  I really don't think it's true though... lol.

    Hope I Helped!

    From Sakura ^_^ x*x

  19. when I saw Sweeney Todd ! Other then that for was when I split me knee open

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