
What is your breastfeeding experience?

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I'm having a rough breastfeeding experience with my 10 week old. It seems there are always problems - from oversupply, overactive letdown, food allergies, gas and frustration. But I will not give up. I'm dead tired from fighting with him to stay on the breast, but I think what if I give up and then there was only one or two more weeks of this and everything will be fine? I would like to hear some of your breastfeeding stories/experiences. Maybe it will help me fee better about what I'm doing.




  1. That was normal for me for the first three months. It was painful mostly. You have to watch what you eat when you breastfeed...drink plenty of water and plenty of fresh foods. Also avoid fried foods, fast food, and too much sugar. Milk can also cause gas. Don't give up...believe me it gets easier. Soon breastfeeding will be a breeze!! Good Luck!!

  2. IT's especially hard for mothers to feed in the working world, but as long as you have time now, it's good to start with the best milk there is. Stress is not an issue since you are supplying well. Sometimes it helps to express a little if they are over full so he/she can get a grip. If you get WIC they have lactation specialist who can help you out, and you could visit leleche's website for educational videos on breastfeeding, also youtube. For the food allergies, it's best to start vegetarian for a week,  and then add things like meat, dairy, and wheat to your diet to see what is causing the gas. but for now they have medicine that you can give to help out with that, I know it is the most stressful and excruciating thing to wach your child go through. Also finding ways he like to be held works too, find the most comfortable position for you and him so he's not squirming and hungry.

    I didn't breastfeed, I tried and gave up, but your a trooper, and it's freaking awesome your sticking to it, you know whats best for your baby and I wish you the best of luck raising a healthy radiant child.

  3. You are doing so well!

    If you manage to get through this it will be such an achievement (and you can stop tearing your hair out!)

    If not, it wasn't meant to be, but you gave it your best shot.

    All the best to you!  

  4. I tried for the first few weeks -- did lactation consultants, read books, bought really expensive support pillows, listened carefully to tips from my mom and sister, etc.........just couldn't et the latch (baby, by that point, had already come to prefer the bottle, which i was using to give her expressed breast milk). I ended up just exclusively pumping for 3 1/2 months. wish it turned out differently.

    so, I HEAR YOU on the frustration!!! you have all of my sympathies. if your baby is able to latch and nurses, then i (personally) would stick with it. if she has gas issues she'll probably have them with formula as well. try a little mylocin (sp?). or rest her belly on your forearm. i think some babies just have sensitive tummies and i know it's frustrating but it does get better!  i assume you've already cut out milk and other dairy products from your diet?    

    also, at that age, my baby just got really cranky at nighttime! i assumed it was gas, colic, witching hour, wasn't. turned out she was just overtired and wasn't getting to sleep when she needed to.  i'm sure you've explored all avenues and tried everything, but, if she's been cranky, maybe it's something other than gas.

    anyways, you're doing great, don't give up!!  

  5. My breastfeeding experience started out ROUGH!  I had a c-section because by baby was breech.  She was born at 7lbs 12 oz.  When she left the hospital she was only 6lbs and 8 oz. I could not get her to latch at all.  She would scream for 45 minutes while I tried and tried.  After that I would pump and my husband would feed her with an eye dropper or cup which took about an hour to and hour and a half.  After that, it would be time to feed her again.  I didn't want to give her the milk in a bottle beause I was afraid of nipple confusion. She would cry and cry trying to latch and this went on for a week.  During this time I had painfull scabbed nipples from her trying to latch.  I then met with a lactation consutant who gave me a nipple shield.  She latched right on to the shield but it restricted the flow so she had to feed all the time.  This went on for two months.  Finally one day I tried her with out the sheild and it worked!  I have been successfully breastfeeding since then and now she is almost 7 months old.  It has been one of the most difficult and rewarding experience of my life and I thank God everyday that I kept with it and didn't give up on it beacuse I love it so much and so does she.  Don't give up! You will not reget it I promise.

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