
What is your child's bedtime routine?

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what is your childs bedtime routine and what age is your child?what time does your child go to bed at?

its for my aunt shes just wondering if its simalar to her children or not.




  1. My child is 3 yrs old.  Around 700 we go brush her teeth, we put her in the tub, we let her play for about 20 minutes or so, we read her a story, then at about 10 minutes to 8.... she cleans up her toys and goes to the bathroom before bed.  We put her in bed at 8.

  2. My son is 3 1/2 and has been on the same bedtime routine for about 2 years now.  It starts early so he knows it is coming.  Dinner at about 6:00, then he has a bath.  After the bath he puts his PJs on, then me, him and his dad play a game for a little while.  We pick out a book, read and then we do our kissing goodnight routine where we give kisses on each cheek and then light's out with his night light on at 8:00

  3. I am going on 15 and my parent say bed between 10.30pm and 11pm but this isn't actually the case. Although i am normally in my bed by 2am. :/ my family is not so fixed time wise and I am often cutting it fine about getting to school on time. My family also have out dinner very late; normally between 9pm and 10pm. I do not advise this type of lifestyle to anyone, especially children.

  4. My 17 month old has a bath, gets in his jammies, reads a couple of books with me whilst he drinks his milk then goes to sleep. Bath at 5.30, bed at 6.

    My 18 week old bathes with his brother, gets out, jammies, bottle, cuddle and bed :)

  5. When my son was small,5-7, he had a bath and was then changed for bed. He went to bed at 7p.m. and I used to read him a story for 15min. or as long as he could keep me going but no more than 7.30.

    what is important is keeping to a routine, and staying calm if they play up.

  6. my 2 year old goes to bed at 7:00pm

  7. I have 4 younger siblings and I can tell you the average.

    Until they are 2, they sleep most of the time, you know.

    3-6yo go to bed at 8:00

    5-8yo go to bed at 8:30

    7- 10yo go to bed at 9:00

    9-12yo go to bed at 10:00

    And after 13 they decide when do they want to go to bed, considering if they are tired or not.

  8. I have a 9 year old and a 5 year old, normally my routine is this -

    tea ,  playtime or homework , bath/shower , supper ,  then brush teeth and into bed to read or watch a dvd for a while . this is the set order we do things in but the time varies from day to day , usually they are both in bed for on a school night and 9 pm at weekends and holidays

  9. stagger in fall upstairs and collapse into bed

    this is friday night only (she is 21 ) and shes the youngest !! all girls !!!!

  10. 5 year old...bath at 6pm cuddletime and tv till 7;30 then story and bed no later than 8pm

    10 year old bath at 7pm tv or homework till 8pm then bed at 9pm

    13 year old bath at 8pm on the wii or homework till 10pm which is bedtime.

    might seem a bit strict but kids need their sleep to grow and learn efficiently on fridays and saturdays they each go an hour later.

  11. really it depends on the childs age and how they cope with it but i think they should go 2 bed half an hour early read 4 half an hour then they r ready for bed . my daughter likes to watch telly in bed which i finds stimulates her so i dont allow it on a school night she is 10 and shes goes 2 bed at 9 reads 4 half an hour then bed if i find shes looking tired i reduce it 2 8.30 cause they need 2 be awake in class. now my son is 2 and a half and he has a bottle of tea bout 7-7.30 then wen hes finished he goes straight 2 bed  

  12. My daughter is 21 months and goes to bed at 8 pm.  We turn off all the lights in the house, close the curtains, turn off the T.V. and I take her bottle of water and put it on her nightstand, kiss her night night and go have my 1/2 hour alone.  My husband then shuts the door, reads her a story and they say goodnight to about 20 different things in the room and they turn off the lights together so the glow in the dark stars and moon show up and it's "night night" time.  About 5 min later he comes out and we get about 2 hours to ourselves before we go to bed.  ROUTINE IS AWESOME! lol

  13. My son goes to bed at 7pm if he's been really naughty, 7.30pm if it's a school night or 8pm if there's no school. He is nearly 6 years old.

    He goes up to have a shower/bath + to clean his teeth, then he has a story, then lots of cuddles + kisses, then bedtime. He sleeps with a nightlight, has a comfort blanket (which he's had since birth) + sucks his thumb - he can't sleep without any of the three.

  14. my son is 3 months old and goes to bed anywhere from 9-10pm...then he wakes at 7am. he sleeps through the night already, lucky me :)

    "realized" and  "there" are the correct spellings for your correction btw

  15. I bath my 2 beofre bed time. the younges is 18 months i get him out of the bath dress him and put him in the cot and he falls straight to sleep. i then attend to my daughter. she gets dressed downstairs and lies on the sofa with a little blanket for about half hour to calm down then i take herup to bed, have a big cuddle, and dont here a peep from her till the morning.

  16. I have 4year old 2 year old and 4 month old baby.  They all fed at 5pm 5.30pm I then take baby up for bath while girls eat dessert bring him down take girls up for bath give baby bottle girls go to bed a 7pm during holidays 7.30 but they are ready at 7pm and baby goes up the same time. Till 6.30/7am next day all 3.  If you keep routine kids thrive on it and you get few hours to yourself.

  17. My son is 7 months old, and depending on how grumpy he is I give him a bath between 8 and 830, that usually takes 20  minutes. Then I read to him for 10-15 minutes and then I lay him down. So he is usually asleep by 845 or 9 pm.

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