
What is your child's favorite food?

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I just discovered that my 13 month old daughter LOVES buttered noodles with Parmesan cheese. Although I am not the best cook, as I didn't know if you put the Parmesan cheese (with butter) in a hot pan it would melt into a big blob, it is very good!

So, what are your child/ren's favorite foods?




  1. My  kids both love fruit..any type. My son also eats a lot of veggies and of course junk food!

  2. I swear that my 16 month old has a new favorite food every week.  Last week he loved eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  For about three months his favorite was strawberries.   Right now he seems like he's carb loading and  wants to eat tons of grains.  His favorite meal is potato and ham soup, but his favorite single food is peaches.

  3. My little sister loves Chicken nuggets, some days sausage, some days bacon, sometimes she likes spaghetti (but rarely). She's 3 so she doesn't eat much. My other little sister (1 1/2) eats most anything. She really likes bread of any type, garlic bread especially. Plus pizza of course. Eggo Waffles are always good too. Crackers like goldfish and cheez-its. Also Ice cream, she loves ice cream. What child doesn't though? Eats pretty much anything right now.

  4. my 22 month old LOVES fruit!! will eat it all day everyday if I let her! She also has just started to love chicken, it took a little while to get her to eat meat, but now that she does she tears up chicken & ham!

  5. ravioli

  6. my nieces and nephew used to love to drink coke when they were young i know terrible to give babies coke  it was my nieces first word!! you can't make this stuff don't let your younger siblings babysit your kids....just trying to help!

  7. yep yep.

    idk what it is about  buttered noodles, but my kid sister loves em too.

    not MY child, but shes almost 2 years and so far it seems to be her favorite food.

  8. Chicken and rice.   He loves the stuff!!!  And oatmeal cookies (I know, I know, sugar, blah blah... shoot me.  lol).

  9. mah child loves plain white rice and butter

  10. Little bugs on the ground. Seriously, my kid is f*cked up.

    Seriously he be playing on the sidewalk and he chomp on dead bugs .

    I'd rather he be into Kool-Aid and Fried Chickin like his papa.

  11. Spaghetti Os and frog legs.

  12. currently Enfamil

  13. Vegetarian Moussaka - her daddy used to be the chef at a Greek restaurant, so it makes sense.

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