
What is your childs favorite thing and how are they without it?

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My first son used to drag his Clifford stuffed animal around everywhere. He got it when he was 2 months old and has loved it ever since. He was hard to get to bed if we left clifford somewhere by mistake. One day I bought another Clifford thinking that if he looses it now I will have a back up. So I get in the car and show it to him. He says "Oh Clifford" he gives him a hug then says "This is a great Clifford for Ryan (his brother). Where's my Clifford". Obviously that did not work. Ryan just loves his thumb. At least he can't loose that one. Obviously no right or wrong answer just a fun question.




  1. My daughter is now 11, and she still sleeps with the Bitty Baby doll her grandpa gave her when she was 18 months old. She's okay with leaving her at home when she sleeps over somewhere though. Once though, when she was 6 or 7, she left her behind when she went to spend the night with her Grampy, over an hour away! She wanted Grampy to turn around and get her, but they were almost to his house by then. Her cousin let her borrow a teddy bear though, and she was okay. She was REEALLY happy to see her baby the next day though!

    We accidentally left my older son's stuffed lion at Sunday school once, and I had to go back and track down someone to let me back in the church! He was so sad when he thought we'd have to wait 3 or 4 days to get him back! Now that he's 7, Lion stays in his bed, thankfully, so I don't have to chase his down every night!

    My younger son has had a blankie since he was tiny. It sounds like he's the same with Blankie as your son is with Clifford; he won't sleep without him, even for a nap! He's 3 1/2 now, and he totes it just about everywhere. I've finally convinced him not to bring it into restaurants and stores all the time though. So when we get out of the car, he grabs one of the travel pillows we keep in there and says, "Okay, I'm gonna let Blankie take a nap." So he tucks Blankie into the carseat and tells him sweet dreams, and then we can close the door! LOL I think it's kinda cute actually. He's also loved his first 2 fingers, literally since he was 30 minutes old. He's even had blisters a couple times when he was teething because he kept them in his mouth so often. Now that he's 3 1/2, he only does it when he's sleepy though, so that's not too bad.

    Cute question, btw!

  2. LOL that's how my son use to be with his telatubby my 12 year old plays with his psp my 9 year old plays with his ds and my youngest plays all day with his baseball toys he's 4.

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