
What is your cm like in early pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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af is due today and i have had so much creamy lotion like cm! is this normal? im on cd 28 today and since cd 16 i have had tons of watery and creamy cm! is that a sign of pregnancy?




  1. take a test , you can take a first response test

    it should tell you if your due today..

    good luck  

  2. That is normal right before AF rears her ugly head..Still take a test if your aren't convinced..keep trying ..BAby DUSt!

  3. Since my ovulation my CM was been changing from white/yellow sticky to lately more white creamy.  I tested today and a faint positive.  So I will recommend to take the test tomorrow morning (first urine) to see.  Good Luck and Baby Dust!!!!

  4. Yes this is normal. Sometimes I have had this type of CM right before cycles spans 28-32 days at most.

    I read in this forum about alot of women experiencing the type of CM that you are experiencing when pregnant or before finding out they are pregnant...others when AF is due. So unfortunately CM is not a reliable predictor.

    Hopefully you are pregnant...

    ~Good Luck and Baby Dust To You ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~  

  5. go out and get a test!!

  6. It is, take a test and baby dust to you!!!!

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