
What is your comment on Miley Cyrus?

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What is your comment on Miley Cyrus?




  1. Vell, my opinion is... She's at that point where she wants to act older but still is a young teenager...who happens to be adored by millions of five-to-eleven-year-old fans. This is a tough spot to be, because all girls her age naturally want to start dressing "older" and act more their age. But Miley can't do this without angering parents because whatever she does, her fans want to do. So, there ya go. My heart goes out to her...she's in a tough spot now because she did some unwise things...hope that answers ya question!

  2. Our country spends too much time caring about and nit-picking on the lives of the young Hollywood starlets and not enought time concerning ourselves with real issues.

    Who cares what Brad and Angelina named their twins!  That is NOT news!

  3. She's doing just fine, and all the fuss about so called inappropriate pictures is just hype.  She is not showing any more that would show at the beach.

  4. Her father was with her.  I'm

    sure if he felt something was

    too exposed, he would have

    spoke up.

    It's not anyone else's business.

  5. She is not even famous.  She just is famous because of her father.

  6. 3 Words:

    "Young And Experimenting"

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