
What is your comment on the modern world ?

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Are we all living well ? Or do we still have police in our cities and towns to fight off criminal elements from within our own society ? Are we living in a time where no one starves or are military still needed to keep food delivery out of the hands of other armies instead of people ?

In our own nation are - where we keep track of how many of us killed others of us - or raped them - child molestation , somthing the cops seem barely able to keep up with and drug shipments from other nations into ours that the cops clearly can't keep on top of

Lies and accusations in the political arena We don't have issue by issue debates most of us vote on a vauge notion of allegiances more so than an intellectual debate where a problem is presented and rational discourse occurs on what the cause is the impact it is having and the course forward

No no our elections are about shiny comericals and 2 second sound bites allegations and out right misinformation about the other candidate - Technology has gotten so good that we can track almost everything at any time and communicate with others instantly around the globe

But most of the time - we end up fighting our own national fights on a personnel level and then end up preferring to stay with our own rather than learn to see each others point of view and comprising for the benefit of all concerned -

No no we still fight over who gets the Lions share

We are a primitive war like pack of dogs loose on the world scene with nuclear weapons strong enough they can destroy life from the planet

Frankly I am surprised we have lasted as long as we have




  1. In my opinion, regardless of how much technology we have, how advanced our countries are, we are progressing backwards. The modern world looks like a perfect world for many, but it's actually just the surface. What happens deep down inside the whole system is just corrupted and black. Humans are no better than animals. We fight among ourselves, discriminate each others race and religion and for what? To be the ultimate race? And then what? What is the point? Why can't we live peacefully with each other? Isn't that a much better perspective for all? To move forward as one and to enjoy the benefits together.. But we can't.. It's something that will not happen. Why?

    Globalisation and affirmative action. This is written by someone that i really respect. The former prime minister of Malaysia.

    "Affirmative action by its very nature must involve discrimination. Affirmative action is about correcting imbalances between groups. But in the process, the interest of individuals would have to be sacrificed. It is unfortunate for the individual concerned but if no one's interest is to be sacrificed then corrections cannot be made. The status quo would remain and this would mean there would be no affirmative action. Simply said, no corrective action would be possible unless there is some discrimination against someone.

    Globalisation has been promoted by the rich countries. The essence of globalisation is open borders or a borderless world. With this, the rich and the well-endowed will have unrestricted access to the countries of the poor in order to exploit them. Of course the poor can have access to the rich countries too. It sounds fair. The playing field seems to be level.But what will certainly happen is that the rich will go into the poor countries and with their capital, their managerial skills, and their technology, would overwhelm the people in the poor countries with their small businesses, limited skills and limited capital.The end result would be that the poor countries would effectively be owned and exploited by the rich countries and the local people would be mere workers in the big enterprises of the rich, earning a pittance for themselves. Essentially colonisation of the poor by the rich would again take place.

    But the rich countries will claim that the people of the poor countries are free to do business in the rich countries, buy over the banks, the industries and anything they like. But they know and we know that it would be impossible for the people of the poor countries to do this. This is why the WTO has been rejected by poor countries. The people of the poor countries know they cannot compete; know that in the end they would be colonised. They are not being selfish. It is simply that they want to exploit their wealth for themselves.

    Effectively the poor countries want to discriminate in their favour by rejecting the borderless world of Globalisation. Exploitation by the rich would most likely enrich the poor countries. But they would rather be poor than be exploited. We take the relative peace and stability in our country for granted. But look at other multi-ethnic countries. In most cases the indigenous people, if given power would not just discriminate against what they consider to be non-indigenous people but would want to expel them. Look around us and you will understand what I mean. Look at the Tamils of Sri Lanka, and the Indians in Burma. There are other examples which I will not mention here.

    But the indigenous people of this country actually welcome the non-indigenous and expressed their willingness to share the wealth and the opportunities that this great country has to offer between them. But the sharing must be fair. That was the kind of sharing our founders agreed upon. The Malays would not have agreed if in this country they would be reduced to being the hewers of wood and drawers of water. "

    I do not see us surviving any longer if we still keep up with the current mindset and mentality. We will doom ourselves.. No one will extinguish the human race except ourselves. And there is nothing that we can blame it upon.

    I hope i made some sense.  

  2. Philip Wylie once remarked that civilization is merely the highest level that barbarism has yet attained. My comment on the modern world is "Phooey!"

  3. the way we live it's horrible..

    but think about a world without technology..

  4. TFU!  Not to be confused with SMU!!!

  5. Honestly, the world is in chaos. We have no one but our governments to blame. Hopefully global warming wipes us out or the sun gets us, leaving only those who are worth living to rebuild and repeat the process over again.

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