
What is your commute like? Are there things you like about it?

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I have to say I actually enjoy my commute most of the time. It is considered one of the more dangerous highways in California because it is a winding mountain highway with deer, fauna and even mountain lions, the occasional mud slide, falling trees and idiot drivers but it is such a beautiful drive.




  1. I work from home, so my commute doesn't exist.  I also have a blackberry for work, so I can "work" even when I'm running personal errands around the house.

    Yes, it is a nice setup.

  2. My commute is like this:

    I walk from my bed room to my home office.  Finito.

  3. 4 mile of dirt roads before i hit pavement .No interstate to travel.nice veiw of rolling hills vineyards and Keuka Lake. Been driving this commute for all my life (school bus used to go the same basic route)Only problem is the darn tourist who drive slow while they are gawking at the view when i want to get home

  4. just a little tip. go look up the definition of fauna.  if you meant flora, and it was a simple mistake, then its all good. if not, hope i helped.

    i live in south louisiana so my commute in terms of visual stimulation is quite lacking. however, i drive an hour to get to school, so that gives me time to wake up, relax a little, and get ready for a long day of learning.

  5. I's about 2 blocks. I step over the occasional crack ho and sometimes it rains, but all in all a nice litle stroll.

  6. lol, I work at home, my commute is from my bed to the computer. I love it!

  7. I have a 98 mile one way commute...every day.

    I find that in the mornings when I get to work (5:00 a.m.) my coworkers are lethargic and bleary eyed, while I've been up for the last 2 hours drinking my coffee, digging on the radio to Dave Ramsey.  I'm ready to go and tackle the day.

    Likewise the ride home gives me time to unwind and get the worries of the day out of my head before I see my wife and kids.

    It may be long, and defiantly not for everybody, but I think I like it.

  8. I walk to is only about a mile. Hubby picks me up afterwards, though (as I don't usually finish until around 3am) I love walking through the neighborhood....especially this time of year...beautiful flowers to look at and everything is so green!

  9. 46 miles each way - it wasn't so bad until the gas prices started skyrocketing. Cell phone and books on tape help.

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