
What is your concept of God?

by Guest60999  |  earlier

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Personally I don't believe in an old guy in the sky with a white beard, nor do I believe that the Adam and Eve story is literally true or that Darwin was necessarily wrong.

My concept of God is that it is something like truth, beauty, love etc., or whatever maintains them. No-one can see these qualities, but most people behave as if they exist in some way. So either there is something essential to them or maintaining them, or there is not. If there is not, then our lives are futile and we might as well give up. If we don't give up, we are implicitly acknowledging that there is something beyond the world of everyday appearance which makes participation in that world worthwhile.

Another way of looking at the God-concept is that it represents a state of harmony or wholeness which is conceived as lying beyond nature as it exists, and which makes sense of striving to live a life in accord with such a state of underlying harmony (ecological responsibility etc).




  1. God is everything, is everywhere, knows everything, has power over everything to do anything, created everything; infinite past and infinite future. No limits of any kind. It is possible to reason that there is a God. Your reasoning is ok, but every one has their own. To say that God is this, or is that, would be to limit God to being that, so it is also saying that he is not-something else. Nobody can prove there is God, and that's they way God wants it. So, it has to cross your mind that maybe there is no God, and it is just made up. But there's no use in dwelling on that. If there was no God, there would be no reason for anything, and it looks more like there is a reason for everything. I don't care much for the God is Love thing because love is only one thing, and love is just a feeling. You could say that love is everything I guess, but that gets pretty complicated. Is love a banana? A banana is something.

  2. Give the Bible a try.  The Old Testament is very interesting, esp 1 and 2 Samuel.  My kids love the Revelation.  

    Can't form an opinion of God until you read what He says about Himself.  Then, you can better define what you think.  

    (The book of John is great for learning about Jesus).


  3. I could be partial because of my beliefs and I admit your theory has some good points.

    But there are two choices...there is either a God or that whole theory of evolution took place...

    In my opinion, there has to be a God because otherwise, how were we created? People can say all they want about the "Big Bang" or whatever, but there had to be something created already for that to occur. Things dont just appear out of nowhere and something had to react with something else in order for a reaction to occur. Where did those "somethings" come from?

    We can't put boundaries on what or who God is. If God isn't real than how do prayers come true? In the end, there has to be SOMEONE out there who created the universe. And really, if we evolved from apes, then there would be a way with technology today to change a ape to a human.

    Also, we can't see love, but it exists right? If we limited ourselves to what we can see than we would have never discovered what was outside of earth. All things happen for a reason, so someone has to be in control.


    truths have been purposely distorted for reasons of control

    by humanizing astrological symbolisms ,so that it ends up as historic reality,see Zeitgiest,

    The complete truths of our origin have always been hidden from us,and what we have been told is a condensed distorted version

    read Sitchin,The lost book of Enki (who became God in our minds )

    the Split personality that this God appears to project comes from the Fact that Enki was blended with his Half brother Enlin,in to one God

    Ancient super technology is ignored because it contradict our own supposed superiority


  5. I don't know if there's a God or not, but I think that if there is, it is a type of energy or force that is everywhere and in everything and unites all of us as one.  As far as what you said about giving up -- I think that's a personal choice.  Participation in the world is worthwhile to me whether or not there is "something beyond the world of everyday appearance" -- all animals are born with the instinct to survive.  The more you participate, the more you feel and experience -- both the good and the bad.

  6. For me it is a great mystery, but I believe mind is an important aspect of the Creator and creation.

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