
What is your concept of time?

by Guest63526  |  earlier

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I just wanted to know what diferent peoples' concepts of time were thanks.

here is mine:

Time is not real. Time is an illusion, be because time consists of three parts which do not exist. Past Present Future, People describe it as past-what happened , present- what is happening , future- what will happen, or yet to happen. right? but thats not true. they ( pat, present, and future ) all happen at the same time.

we are making the past while in the present but also heading into the future all at the same time. so there is not past or future there is only present . one time repeating.

always changeing.




  1. (PROOF) ! IF TIME IS ILLUSION stay in your home for a year and then get out if people, shops , streets , are the same no less and no more then time is realy illusion

  2. Time is an experience in which we choose to perceive using emotion & thought.

  3. I believe that there are people living in the past and the future right now! because I think that I'm not the only updated person living in this time. My older family lived when I wasn't born so that must be the past. Apparently there's those wormholes is well in space where if you get sucked in you travel to the past or future or something like that. every second now is the future so is every second gone past is the past.

  4. I only know that the older you get the faster time travels.

    it works for me.

    some one told me i think it was van daniken that

    as we go through life we pass through time gates

    and so if you are old you have travelled through more time gates than a younger person.

    there for time travels faster.

    remember when you was a kid and having to wait a week for something it used to seem like a year.

    wait untill you get to my age that week is gone in a flash.

  5. "always changing" is an example of how time affects reality.  Time moves in a specific direction. It is consistent.  A glass falls from a table and shatters on the ground.  We never see an example of this happening backwards.  Like a pile of broken glass reforming to become the wine glass that was set on the table. Time always move in a "one way path". Read Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe for deeper understanding of physics and time.

  6. Very good. It good to know that you can see that. Now take it one step further. If the present is both past and future as well, does the future already exist? If there is no future, only the present time, does the future exist or is it set. Or is it dependant on what the present is to form the future. Do you make the future as you make the past? I they are one then does the effect really have to come after the cause. Could they coexist?

    That is why there are distiction between past present and future. Cause and effect. One comes first then the other. Otherwise you challenge the nature of the fabric of existance itseplf. Not a good idea.

    Basically my concept of time is how long it takes to do something. Every action takes time. the time it takes for the second hand to move the amount of space is used to mark a secind is a second, an minute and an hour likewise.

    You should really read some steven hawking. He'l turn the world inside out and upside down. For exapmple didyou know that time will travel differently the closer to the speed of light you travel?  Very cool.

  7. Are you trying to tell me that we are still making the titanic at the same time we are making the pyramids?

    I thing you've confused your self.

  8. Before I read your question, it was a part of the future.  When I had finished reading it, I read a few answers, and AT THE SAME (TIME) was formalizing a response, which had come from the past and present, was checking on my will and if  it was predetermined, over-determined, or if it was true as per the Will of the God of my understanding.  After responding I will probably forget myself and move on to the next question.

  9. In my opinion, those who said it was "real" were right. Those who said it was "relative" were right. Those who said it was a "dimension" were right.  Those who said it was "how long" were right. Those who said it was "motion" were right. Those who said the motion was "in one direction only" were right.

    Just an opinion.

    PS. I will be writing about time in a future essay in my blog (link: )

    Now I'm writing about the "self" - whether it exists, what it is, etc. Then I will be writing more about ontology (which includes Space and Time)

  10. That countless wonder which addicts itself to reality so that I can experience it.

  11. It's always more precious after it's gone.

  12. Time is real it is a dimension.

    Its existence as such has been empirically confirmed.

    Einstein demonstrated that time can not be seperated from space and that in order to understand what time truly is we must treat it as the fourth dimension.

  13. My concept of time is rather basic.

    It is based on watches, clocks and my computer.

    I was born - I am living - I will die.

    Other than you have a ham sandwich and some iced tea ??

  14. Time is completely real. If you see the pictures of you in 1, 8, 17 years old,  it is one simple prove that time is exist. But, time itself has no physical appearance, so that may be people misunderstood it as not exist.

    Time is a dependant factor which can not presented itself without the presence of other factors.

    What I thought now, if time is presented in graphic, is time a linear which is likely to count forward not backward, or is it possible a curve/parabolic or even circle ?

  15. I don't think is illusion. Is the destroyer. Among all kinds of killers, time is the ultimate because time kills everything.

    Time is passing away imperceptibly and our measured duration of life is diminishing every second, without any solution.

    The most wonderful thing is that although every day innumerable creatures go to the abode of death, still a man thinks he is no going to die, yet. This world––which is like a cauldron with the sun as its fire, days and nights as its fuel, and months and seasons as its wooden ladle––all creatures are being cooked by TIME.

  16. Movement forward

  17. Time is a way the mind organizes events in the past and creates memory. Outside of the mind there is only now and nothing else so therefore time is an illusion. If there is no mind to experience time than time does not exist.

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