
What is your credit card debt like?

by  |  earlier

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Are you in too deep or are you managing it?




  1. £0. If I use it I pay it off immediately. I never buy anything I cant afford.

  2. £0 - I work in  accounts and see lives destroyed by debt - nothing like my job for making you realise that if you can't trust yourself you never touch credit cards ever

  3. My credit card is also a debit card so anything i put on credit comes directly out of my bank account, so in fact i have no debt whatsoever. Cool.

  4. I manage it havent got that much to be honest only about £1500 and have  a year to pay it off and thats including catalogue and princes trust,my car is paid ect i count myself very lucky as most of my friends are in thousand of pound worth of debt x*x

  5. managing although i've had it for over a year now! I've changed cards about 50times on Virgin at the mo- they other 15months interest free

  6. My credits cards are all on "Zero" debt. Oh yes... That feels good.

    Worked hard to get there though. Took great will power and advice from Martin lewis's website to do it.

  7. Thankfully I have no credit card debit

  8. :( Unfortunately, I one of those who can't control myself. I used to owe $2500  four years ago. I started by paying it off every month and then  things happened and it got out of control. I now owe 9k!! Fortunately, I am about to graduate and once I get a good job I'll pay at least 2k each month since I just got married and my husband covers all of our expenses. I am part time now and can't make big payments so my debt doesn't really lower. All I can do right now is keep transferring to 0% cards. If I could go back in time I would have never gotten a credit card since I know how I am. But I can't do that so I'll learn from my mistake.

  9. My creditcard is a debit card, I don't have any debt. None whatsoever. I pay for things as I go. I have had credit cards in the past, but have had no prob paying I know my limits. I can't understand people that have thousands or more of debt, I wouldn't sleep at night :(

  10. I have no credit cards and bank credit rating is really good.  When I visit my bank they try to offer me a credit card or a personal loan.  Bet they want their commission.

  11. I used to have $7,000 of debt four years ago.

    I paid it off and now pay-in-full every month.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

    The only balance that "revolves" is the mortgage.

    When you live within your means and pay-in-full, you don't have to contend with the burden of debt.

    Furthermore, when you stop buying things you don't need with money you don't really have to impress people you don't even like, you will start to simplify your life AND your finances.

  12. Average balance is 500 but I pay in full when  bill arrives.

  13. treading water atr the minute.

    just got married so we ended up maxing everything out.  i can make the payments (and am paying more than minimum) but we wont be eating steak and cavfiar for a while.

  14. rectangular and plasticky

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