
What is your current mood?

by Guest67033  |  earlier

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Why is that your mood right now?:]




  1. I'm in a good mood after reading answers in YA.  Some are just hilarious, some witty, some really out of context.  

  2. My dear Heather...(nice name by the way)...

    Well....I normally feel pretty good, but at the moment, I am frustrated, because I am trying to locate a question (I answered yesterday, copied & stored in my "file"..due to the fact ...that YAHOO was taking a "BREATHER", which took HOURS...-so I couln't submit my answer) Now...there are sooooo many "new questions" since yesterday....I mean pages where I have to search in order to find this lady named:"Monica", so I can present her my answer, but I don't seem to I "stumbled" over ...YOUR question & thought, I let you know, HOW I feel... It makes me "mad", when I try to assist someone...take my precious time to give good advice & then..."they" take a breather, which lasts for HOURS....WHO..."breathes THAT LONG ??? ha-ha-ha- You see...I still try to take it in "strive", even though, I am a little disappointed...

    I hope, you are feeling good my dear...Wishing you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany with lots of love & care... Annette***

  3. I am in a very bad angry mood. why? becasue my two children were really naughty earlier and bugged me big time when i wanted to be left alone.


  4. I'm really depressed. going trough a break up. feel optimistic though.

  5. bored but happy cos school's almost over!! hahah!


    umm... why?????

  6. Depressed, despondent, bored, self-loathing, etc., etc.

  7. Mildly anxious, engaged with life, hopeful, and somewhat pensive.

    In general, I'm in a good mood.

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