
What is your dearest wish? How far would you go to achieve it?

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What is your dearest wish? How far would you go to achieve it?




  1. A wish isn't something I or anyone can achieve.  A wish is something that is granted us by the powers that be.  Wishes COME true.  We don't make them happen.

    I haven't wished for anything in 50 years.  i learned a long time ago that praying works much better than wishing.

  2. be an acclaimed fantasy author

  3. My dearest wish is to be God. I try not to indulge it.

  4. enjoy all that LIFE IS in the moment and smile...

    ...everyday...i am grateful and thankful for all that LIFE IS...

    ...thanks for asking...

  5. That someone I miss unbearably would still be alive.

    As to what I'd do, not much, seeing as there ISN'T much I can do...

  6. My second dearest wish, I won't reveal my first because its too hopeless, would be to be a virgin again, to be 18 again, and loose my virginity to Queen Rania.

    I'm serious; back when I was a virgin, I wanted to loose my virginity to her.  This was a long time ago, way back in '99 when I was 18.

    I'm like old, worn out and damaged goods now though.......

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