
What is your debat on Affirmative Action?

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What is your debat on Affirmative Action?




  1. It's flawed. I prefer an affirmative action for the underpriviledged rather than any type of racial profiling. At the same time, affirmative action is erroneously believed to be a quota. It is not. It's very flexible and schools should be able to find quality minority candidates for admittance. The idea that schools will have to dip into a pool of unqualified candidates to meet standards is only under extreme conditions. When you go to a school, you want it to be in an environment of multiculturalism and of people of all walks of life. The environment is as important as the quality of the class education is to students.  In fact, it IS a substantial part of a student's education.

  2. I think that there should be no special treatment for anyone, and that all candidates should be assigned a number (in order to mask their race and gender) and the acceptance or employment process should be strictly based on merit and achievements alone.

  3. In theory, it was a welcome boost to attitudes which prevailed for many years...attitudes which kept minorities, including women, "in their place". Today, I beleive, like many other social policies, this one has been taken to the extreme!!!!  The playing field may be close to level, with a few exceptions, so its time to divert tax payers dollars from this plan to one more relevant HEALTH CARE or EDUCATION for out future leaders.!!!!

  4. I think its the type of thing that while there are failures, it can have a positive effect on society. The problem with the market failure aspect that the last poster brought up is the truism about companies not allowing things to fail if they want to survive. A lot of these programs arent things that have an immediate impact, but if you look at probably one of the great social programs in 20th century America, like the G.I. Bill, you find that when people are invested in, you can have a positive impact (such as the expansion of the middle class).

    Unfortunatly, when you leave this to something that requires a more immediate return on the investment, you run a much higher risk of not getting anything invested in at all, because it becomes too high risk. While there are more privately oriented programs that could have a profound impact on mobility for people (such as microloans) there still isnt the frequency of these programs to really make up the slack.

    Yes affirmative action holds a tenous position because of the way its concieved. However, if people began to try and broaden the scope of AA (which has been done probably more than people would be willing to suggest) you can have a program that is helping to invest in the lives of many americans.

    Its something that needs to be watched and developed carefully, but publically investing in people isnt really a bad idea.

  5. I describe it as mis-guided benevolence. The intentions are admirable, but the results are pathetic. It compromises quality, and creates resentment. Unlike the government, the public sector survives on the results it produces. No company can survive on poor results. It should be the best man for the job.

  6. I don't like it.  It is disciminatory.  Also its kinda like saying i know you can't do it so here is some help.  I don't like things given to me, i like to earn it.  Then you really want the thing you are going for more.

  7. Accepting a handout means you are accepting the fact that you NEED a handout, or else you're a crook taking advantage of the generosity of others.

  8. It sucks.  Just cuz someone got dissed that doesn't mean everyone should make their lives heaven to try and make up for it.

  9. It's a code name for legalized racial discrimination against whites.

  10. effective

  11. The best qualified should be chosen, regardless of age, race, color or creed.

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