
What is your deductible on your health insurance?

by  |  earlier

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I read that most people are paying as much of $1000 or more on their medical care before insurance will pay a dime. They have huge deductibles and copayments as high as $75.00.

My copayment is only $5 and I have no deductible, which makes me very happy. How about you?




  1. we pay about $300 a month for the premium - it covers 80-20% on large items (meaning a hospital stay will cost us 20% up to $1000 deductable) and we pay about $5-7 co-pay per prescription. Still worth it since husbands meds cost about $2000 a month without insurance.

  2. Most people buying their own insurance (not through an employer) go for high deductible plans to save money.

    As an broker I have my insurance through my wife's job and we pay $400 per month for a family of four with a $1,000 deductible 70/30 co-insurance and no copay. No copay means doctor visits count towards the deductible then we pay 30%.

    For most people if you calculate your total cost of your insurance the high deductible comes out as a better value.

    Add your premium + deductible + co-insurance = total cost.

    90% of people with insurance get less than $1,000 in benefits per year. Meaning most people don't go to the doctor enough to even meet the high deductible.

    If this formual does not work for your plan you should check with a few other carriers, some carriers have bad rates for high dedutible plans others have great rates.

  3. $200 ded. 15%copay, $5000 out of pocket max per year; runs me about $78 a month.

  4. What Kind of insurance do you have and how do I get it!!! I have a 500$ deductable and 20$ copay for 352$ a month!!

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