
What is your definition of a strong woman?

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Is it her being physically strong or emotionally strong? Is it being able to lift heavy weights or being able to change her own tire/oil w/ little to no force? Able to take hits & recover gracefully or is it being able to bounce back from life's difficulties? Is it a single mother who is able to raise 3 kids w.o help from an absent father? What is your definition of a strong woman?




  1. A woman who can dead lift 250 lbs.

  2. My mother.  After my father and her broke up, my mom went to college and became an RN.  Also women that don't have to be report monkeys & delete your questions.

  3. Rio's definition makes ignorance bliss. It is a made up term that gives people (men and women) with a low self esteem a characteristical goal to acheive or a title to give somebody when they conquer a tough situation.

    From my perspective, there are people that do their duty, and those that don't. The need for bullsh*t terms is childish. Made we should give everybody who accomplishes something a cookie?

    With the single mother, she did her duty and the father didn't. Bouncing back from tough situations is getting back to the duty that an individual has.

  4. I'm inclined to agree with CAustin.

    Also I dispute the detail of never apologising for how you live - it is possible your choices in how you conduct things may adversely affect others (intended or otherwise)- if you aren't sorry for that, then I ponder on the compassion you can show anyone, including yourself for it has ceased to be compassion.

    As to whether it merits changing anything about what you did or why that is another story. It may have no bearing on it at all.

    Strength is character. It is more than any one of the definitions. It is not physical strength when we describe a person a strong. Other wise what is the point in calling it physical strength? Therefore it is the strength of their personality, their approach to their character.

    A phrase that my grandfather once said, it is better to die once, than die a thousand times from cowardice. If you change who you are, your beliefs, your views from pier pressure, intimidation or anything else other than your own personal learning and desire about yourself (aka growing, in which a person can only become more fully themselves and never really changes), then each time they somehow cease to be them, they die.

    Ok maybe that's somewhat philosophical - but its my interpretation of it.

    Edit - laela, much of that I should imagine would be the result of anyone wishing to learn of themselves lol :) Well writ, and applicable to just about all.

  5. The definition of a strong woman is the same as that of a strong man.  To apply a different definition would be sexist.

    It could be taken literally, of course, but generally it implies characteristics such as ambition, accomplishment, fortitude, and confidence.

  6. a strong women to me is someone who in the face of adversity is still standing strong with her head held high.

  7. An emotionally strong woman.

    I admire them... and they are usually the nicest women too. Most women who are very loud, aggressive, confrontational, "in your face", and generally bitchy are NOT strong women. They are weak women trying to "look" strong because they have something to prove to the world.

    A strong woman has NOTHING to prove to anyone and is always genuine in her behavior. A strong woman does not chant / brag about her education, independence and strength.

  8. a woman who lives her life in a way that she finds fulfilling. She seeks self actualization and nurtures herself. She shows compassion for others, but will do what is best for her. She is kind and caring, but does meets her own needs first. She does not make herself uncomfortable so that others are pleased with her or  are comfortable around her. She is non-reactive and lets others think badly of her, if they so choose. She lives her life for what she sees to be her destiny and apologizes and defends and explains herself to no-one.

  9. a women who knows where she is at in life , how she got there , and where she is going .if you don`t believe this you can kiss her butt. I know cause I know several.

  10. My Mom

  11. Same as what makes any human being strong. The ability to face whatever life throws at them, and either catch it and throw it right back or take the hit and keep going. They're also not afraid to be vulnerable with those they trust, or to show compassion even when the hateful and ignorant say they are weak for doing so.

  12. Hard working, either at home or in the work force, or both, stands up to the principals she has set for herself

  13. I don't think I could have said it any better than Rio...  I grew up watching my mother- who I consider to be a very strong woman- emotionally (although physically, she's pretty up there too).  I believe that she is strong for the reason Rio mentioned above.  But she is also considerate, intelligent, and generous- which I think are all necessary qualities in a strong woman.

  14. A strong woman never ever holds herself above anyone else, though at times it appears she is.

    Although she never aplogizes she is apathetic.

    She remains firm in thought and mind.

    She does what she does and is meant to do; whether others approve or not; during which time her head is always held high.

    When she disagrees she never rants, but states her case; knowing before hand some will accept others won't; feeling at peace that she has done so.

    She never ever compares herself to others; that's not important; she already knows she's apart of the world because she is alive.

    She works with life's difficulties with a clear and focused mind and when the chips are down she picks them up one by one; being wise to weep when needed, laugh when needed and become angry when needed; in other words she accepts all those things and never denies them.

    She is the first and foremost to blame herself for her difficulties; with the knowledge that she, too, was a contributor; no matter how the dice are tossed.

  15. A woman who lives her life the way she wants to, and isn't brainwashed by consumerism, the media and those around her. You can still be a strong woman while being naturally feminine, if you are of course. In other words my kind of girl.

  16. A women that doesn't get intimidated by the world and doesn't have to prove a point to anyone.

  17. A Godly woman who keeps his commandments.

  18. I  agree with Rio, a strong women is a women  who lives how shes wants to live and not care what others think.

    Also, a strong women will stand up for herself and others, and wont be afraid of how others view her.

    Strong women wont let anyway put them down, because in life there will always be people who try to put you down, but strong people will never let themselves be broken, and all of what i said can be applied to all strong people not just women.

  19. I think the definition of a strong woman is a woman that is independent and goes for what she believes in. Doesn't need a man to support her and is able to support herself. I think emotionally strong is a bit more important than being physically strong. That's just my opinion.

  20. You go Rio!!!


  21. It's a woman who lives the way she sees fit and refuses to apologize to anyone for it.

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