
What is your definition of a warrior?

by  |  earlier

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1. a person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier.

2. a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics.

Are these definitions sufficient? Is John McCain a warrior? Barack Obama?




  1. If you strictly mean the "DEFINITION"-----then of course, a warrior is something 'war-related' person----well, a soldier, as you said. But to me, a real warrior is the person who fights all the time in his life-cycle against all the odds. Another way, the noble guy who struggles to survive & let others shows the way to do the same----is a WARRIOR!

  2. no.2 is more of an explanation

  3. One who does not change his idea and fights with this in this world.

    Of course we have a new breed of people who has no idea and who change the idea according to the demands of the MNCs

  4. I hope this is not a criterion for anyone voting. A warrior in office is such a foolish political strategy. Neither is a warrior.

  5. A warrior is a professional fighter.

  6. Both

  7. I don't know about those two gentlemen being warriors, I'll not slander myself by guessing because I don't know the nature of their hearts.

    But to answer your other question I'd have to go with option 1. But then again anyone who has shown great courage in a crisis when it was kill or be killed. Time to live or die, fish or cut bait (you Choose the phrase that suits you best) Then brand that person a warrior.

  8. Warriors are boys who haven't matured, and both noms are less than boys.

  9. A warrior not only fights the corruption of others, but fully recognises his own corruption.

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