
What is your definition of happiness?

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  1. Happiness is being conent or surpassing just content or satisfaction. It is something that some define selfishly,

    happiness is always within us-the little the big things makes us happy. things we do or say or what others do or the sights we.

    it's a feeling where all you can do is smile or even if you don't smile physically your smiling. It when you get all warm inside and

    get a of pride, laughter, accomplishment, or you see something so beautiful or so peaceful, or so humble that it brings joy, seeing

    different people, hearing different things like music. Happiness is so misunderstood and percieved to be a materialistic thing of feeling.

    Happiness is always there even in the pits of saddness and anger it is there- what defines happiness is hidden in the twinkle of the

    eye, a smile, a laugh, a word, a touch, a person, an object, an animal, in nature, it is all the little things that add up that once we get

    over ourselves we find ourselves to believe and see them with joy

  2. a feeling thats from heart,  

  3. a really good stinky cheese

  4. I know it sounds weird or whatever, but after the very first time I went to warped tour...

    Which I had worked my bum off getting the money, finding a ride, and only at 15 years old ya know?

    Thats a lot of work for a kid!

    We finally got there!

    I had gotten my face stepped on by some huge guy! trampled by all sorts of shapes and sizes!

    I was heat exhausted... lol

    I threw up while my crush was talking to me on the way home hahaha!

    I had a skinned knee and bruised arm...

    I had all of my best friends with me.

    We had a frozen lemonade fight so we were all sticky.

    We moshed and got our bums kicked!

    I  had a chance to see my favorite bands play!

    It was amazing!

    The most fun I've ever had!

    An actual success.


    On the way home, I told my aunt, "if I died right now, it'd be okay."

    And I truly meant it.

    I didn't think, and now that I'm 19, I don't ever think I'll be that happy again.


    I guess

    Happiness, to me, is when I would be fine to die.

    It's that feeling of complete satisfaction....


    If only it would last.


  5. Soulfully Bliss !

  6. Hello. Happiness to me is a slightly rare feeling that happens subtly and in minor situations of sitting with friends, family, or just talking to someone close. It rises into my gut and chest. Corny as it sounds I am able to differentiate between happiness and contentment. Good bye.

  7. Astate of well-being and contentment

    A pleasurable or satisfying experience  

  8. Finding happiness is like finding yourself. You don't find happiness, you make happiness. You choose happiness. Self-actualization is a process of discovering who you are, who you want to be and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings YOU the most meaning and contentment to your life over the long run.

    You will never be happier than you expect. To change your happiness, change your expectation.

  9. for me its to be independent

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