
What is your definition of sexism?

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To me, it is sexist for a man to treat a woman in a demeaning fashion or for him to make derogatory statements about her, however, if he treats her as an equal or demonstrates respect for her as a professional, it should not, in my mind, be sexist if he says she has a beautiful figure or pretty eyes. That is just a compliment. What do you think?




  1. MEN.... sorry to sound ridiculous but lately ive been thinking of the saying.. 'THE MANS A CHAMP..THE GIRLS A s***k' when a boy&girl sleep together..

    its like that christina aguilera song    .. i mean most of the guys i know have slept with about 15+ women and theyre 'tidy' guys.. according to other guys.. yet they call this girl Sam a SL u * T  because shes had s*x with 13.. i mean i dont agree with this girl.. but who says its orite for men and not women?

  2. yeah, i think its a compliment, but some women might take it offensively.

    my baby's daddy is sexist in other ways that and i HATE IT! he says women cant drive, etc, and that are only good to be slaves, to cook, clean, etc

    He says that men are superior to women...however, he doesnt know how to wash a d**n load of clothes in the!

  3. Woman should stay in the kitchen

  4. I'm not prejudice - i dislike ALL men, regardless of race, religion, sexuality, etc....!

  5. You're absolutely right.  Sexism is a lot different than paying someone a sincere compliment.  Sexism is stereotyping someone else, it's objectifying them.  It's demeaning.

  6. my definition is sexism is humor in the workplace.

  7. In the work world, personal comments are out of place.

    Women aren't there as decoration, but to work -- just like the men.

    The idea that everyone has their own definition of words is simply wrong -- we'd never communicate at all if that were so.

    Sexism is considering one s*x less than human, or the two sexes seperate species.

    When in the workplace, especially since it was common for a long time, for all men to dismiss all women's abilities, it's demeaning and wildly inappropriate to tell a colleague or boss or subordinate she's stacked.

    If you're in a relationship likely to lead to s*x, remarking on her body or other "charms" is one thing.

    Would you want the women you work with commenting on how well-hung you were?

    THAT'S what it's like.

    Keep the personal, and appearance-based comments to yourself.

    Think what you want, but don't force a woman to hear talk that's more appropriate for a date, when she's trying to do her job.

    Commenting on your *ss is not "just a compliment" in the workplace; it's innappropriate.

  8. I don't really agree with DDqueeny - I get where she's coming from with the workplace/bar situation, but even though I don't think people in the work place should constantly compliment each other, I don't see it as sexism at all (unless it's really nasty comments - I'm talking about things like 'You have pretty eyes' or whatever). It may be creepy or annoying, but the person saying it probably likes the other person and thinks they're being romantic or something. Besides, if you don't ask the person to stop complimenting you they might not be smart enough to take a hint. This goes for men and women. I think sexism is someone thinking they're above or better than someone else based only on gender, or thinking that the other gender is above their own. It's the same kind of thing as racism but with men and women.

  9. my  definition of sexism is My partners insistence of controlling the  television remote control, reading out the TV guide to me in the hope that I will remember all the programmes that are on,and he wont have to let me read  the  newspaper.

  10. Well it depends on what the situation is...if you are out at a bar, then you are just trying to pick her up and you can't be called sexist for that. But if you are at work...definitely not something you need to be bringing up, even if you do think it. As as a young woman, I have come across many creepers and I feel uncomfortable if a man who I am not interested in (and work with) repeatedly compliments that case I would prefer not to know that they are noticing me.

  11. It is sexist on either side if the recipient receives it as such- Compliments about the physciality which we have no control over - are difficult and sensitive territory for both men and women and some ground has to be covered in the relationship before we can start exchanging personal compliments.  I would hate anybody to say this to me unless it was contextual

  12. Voting for Hillary cuz she's a woman.

  13. There's a fine line in my opinion between what is sexism. Sexism in my opinion is stereotypical comment geared toward either gender. For example, a sexist comment about men would be that we all are angry, abusive, and only are out to s***w women and take advantage of them. For women, a sexist comment is that women are supposed to stay at home and clean, that they aren't suited to work in the "mens" world of jobs. Another way to see sexism is as something negative that either EVERY man or woman possesses, simply because they are a man or a woman. You can tell what is a compliment and what is sexism. Saying all women have pretty eyes is just an opinion, and is something positive. Obviously it is not true, but its not meant to offend anyone, at least not to offend on purpose.

  14. sexism is when men are expected to pay and hold doors when women want eqaulity!! Get your own door and food you money grabbers!!

  15. schauvanastic treatment is sexism and its disgusting

  16. Voting for Obama because he is a man!

  17. Basically, my view of sexism is if someone thinks one gender is superior to the other, in whatever way. Saying someone has pretty eyes is hardly sexist-in fact, it is rather flattering.

    Edit:I must agree with Chaz though...there is a line between flattering and annoying.

  18. I totally agree with you.  But I think that calling a woman 's**y' or 'hot' and calling her 'beautiful' .. there is a difference.

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