
What is your diet and fitness regime?

by  |  earlier

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I have a very sedentary life-style as I work in an IT firm. I have very little time for exercise and I eat what the caterer at work provides. I'd like to have a fit body and wondered if there is any diet or a fitness regime I could follow to be fit.




  1. theres no way around this. you must eat healthy and exercise if you want to lose weight. only drink water. 8 glasses a day minimum and get at least 30 minutes of cardio 3 - 5 days a week. even if its just a walk around the park.

    i personally exercise at least 50 minutes 5 days a week and eat tons of vegetables. also lean meats like chicken and fish, fruits and nuts (pause).

  2. Welcome!,

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    Hope this helps.


  3. i am a personal trainer in a small want to improove your you want to eat eggs,fruit juice and some protain shake. don;t eat fast foodand oily foods.

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